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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Carl

    E30 Parts

    I've heard that the 320i and 325i manifolds are the same, makes the 320i less torquey lower down as the mixture doesn't atomise properly until 1500 rpmI'm assuming you're using a high flow filter and have freed the exhaust up a little??? Was considering replacing my AFM and throttle body with 325 parts and getting a 325 ECU...do you recommend the conversion, or is it not worth the effort?
  2. Carl, why go to that expense, when you can just get them made here? All we need is a piece of solid alloy/steel between the top of the struts.. Smokin is onto it.. i believe.. If you can find someone with the tools and time then sweet but you'll be waiting for eternity I bet cause no ones going to do it for you and if they did it wont be with free labour. Custom jobs are never as good as professional jobs, period.
  3. Bob Sagat is GOD, all hail Bob Sagat or fester in hell!!!
  4. I'm keen for Glenn's option of ordering the 1pc bits from the US, perhaps just us Welly guys could do a group buy??? (Glenn, Dan, Me, Ian...)
  5. Carl

    E30 Parts

    Grant, are you running a 325i intake bits (AFM, manifold, throttle body) or did you just stick the 325 ECU in with the stock 320i intake bits???
  6. Carl

    Car Cleaning

    My car has the best colour, you can't tell that it's dirty until you get up real close Do the maguirs three step, and do it right, the outcome will be your paint job will have a nice wet look and your car will be very easy to clean for a couple of months, just hose it down and it'll be clean.
  7. Speaking from experience?I agree on the drive it a while before you mod it, although wheels are an exception. I drove mine for 4 years with only the wheels being non-stock before I started making some serious changes. Be aware that as soon as you start playing with it you WONT stop playing with it - read $$$ - and Grant is right on the insurance thing. Be sure to read the following threads before you do anything... A must read for E36'ers Car mods and insurance
  8. Nice score ANNA, manual aswell Looks just like my car did, FL, hub caps, no sun roof, stocker...took me 4 years before I started altering it...it's all down hill once you touch it
  9. I'll need to test one out, I intend having a go at intermarque this year and had aalready thought about getting one but I wouldn't have otherwise. I'm assuming RD is racing dynamics, what's FR? Anyone know the cost of getting one custom made?
  10. Oh yes they are, my RD one makes a huge difference.Cheers Seriously, what difference does it make? It reduces the understeer through hard cornering dramatically, the car stays a lot flatter (square) to the ground allowing grip to be better maintained and corners to be taken at much higher speeds.To be fair though, the difference was only really evident after the suspension was changed to the Bilstein/ H&R Sport package. Cheers So, like I originally said, unless you ARE experiencing mad body flex then they aren't going to be of much use.The way I see it, if you seriously want to put your car on the track then you'd find them quite handy, for normal road use they're probably a waste of money.
  11. Alan Partridge aswell
  12. Oh yes they are, my RD one makes a huge difference.Cheers Seriously, what difference does it make?
  13. You've got to rethink what TG is about plus understand that not everyone shares a passion for the internet and for downloading videos.I like top gear purely because of JC, he's funny to watch (and to read), and there are a few people who only watch TG because of JC, my g/f, my parents, and my neighbours for instance. I've watched 5thG and thought it quite dull to be honest. I too couldn't give a hoot about specs on a car, HP and torque is all good, but entertainment is where it's at and TG rates highly there. My 2c.
  14. For E30, all models Repco quoted me $140 Road & TRack (Lower Hutt) told me $130 max, even cheaper still if you get someone with discount to help the purschase
  15. Anyone tape it??? I was pre-occupied If anyone got tape can they send me copy???
  16. Carl

    E36 Problems

    Just thinking about it, didn't alot of the earlier E36's have problems in regards to power steering aswell as other common faults? You're mum's right in regards to your car, alot of the early E36's didn't have the running quality you'd expect.
  17. Strut braces aren't that useful unless you're experiencing mad body flex, ie, extremely hard cornering. Unless you simply want to look cool of course
  18. Carl

    325i Motorsport

    Doesn't that m325i belong to someone on here, namely m325i??? MTechI madness, gotta love it
  19. Carl

    E36 Problems

    Not necessarily trueDepending on the problem, you're best bet is to go see a BMW mechanic, not necessarily a BMW centre mechanic but someone who really knows BMW's and can pinpoint the cause of problems with relative ease. While they may charge more, they can probably fix the problem quicker and not mis-diagnose it. You always hear of horrow stories of mechanics f**king ppl around simple due to trial and error which in the long run is extremely costly. The other thing is knowing how everything fits together, you don't want to end up with bits that didn't go back in simply cause the mechanic couldn't remember where it went
  20. IMHO, the rough engine problem was due to the car needing a serious blowout, being that it's an auto and has probably never had the engine rev'd until you bought it. Going up the massive hill past Mangaweka, doing 150kph uphill, Dan and Grant gave their engines a nice workout and as they descended huge plumes of dirty dark brown smoke blew out the back for a couple of seconds out of both of their cars. Seems to have fixed the problem yes?
  21. My needle always sits at 11 - 11:30, unless super warm, like after a hill climb chasing a couple of 325i's
  22. Carl


    Did anyone notice those basket weaves went for $3k??? Seriously, you can get 16" bbs rims for that...although without rubber...
  23. Carl

    Valentines day

    Quality restaurant, quality wine, quality head
  24. Some wanker clipped my bumper in a car parking building so now I have a folly big gapping crack in my plastic bumper I need a new front bumper folks, facelift!!! Alternatively an mtechII kit would satisfy me
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