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Posts posted by tcbaurpower

  1. Yeh had a great time. Incredible place, so different to New Zealand. Will put up another thread in the next week or so with some photo's of the rest of the trip.

    Tcbaurpower - you can also do a tour of the three series factory, but you have to book in advance. Also the Mercedes factory in Frankfurt is meant to be incredible.

    I should just set a date and go otherwise will just spend the money on something else and put it off. I look forward to your post.

  2. I bought this car 3 years ago with 60.000 and barely used it....

    Kilometres: 103,000km

    Barely used it, yet he managed 43,000kms in 3 years

    Just what i thought.

    I dont like the z3. But M power, everyone wants some of that. Got to say out of the z3 on Trademe etc these models are the better for the face lift. And it has been looked after, not sat on a car lot.

    I go past a z4 in a car lot on the way to work, been there for a while now, i want to take it home.

    I think if you get it you would be happy. Good luck.

  3. Flybuys great we dont need anymore appliances anyway. lol.

    I am changing the oil because i am doing a complete maintenance service as i have no idea what the previous did and i want the engine to be in top condition as it is getting on in miles, the engine is out of the car so it has been easier.

    I will buy the tool then others can hit me up if they need it. :D

  4. Yeah $30 for the tool just to change the oil. It is nice and heavy so i could put it under the seat for self defence. ^_^ I would usually just buy it but not really in the budget. Well it is on top i my list as well as a many more toys, um tools, but the wife has the habit of reminding me that money doesnt grow on trees. I already did the double nut thing no luck.

    Cheers guys. Does the 17mm one undo the dif plug too?

  5. I dont smoke never have never will. I also have a strict smoke a way from the house rule not just out the back door and everyone knows this by now. I have two young boys and dont what them to be affected. What annoys me is when you see a toddler in their buggy and they are surrounded by the family smoking, not just one person but three or more.

    I have a mate that says he has been told not to stop smoking by a doctor because it reduces stress which then reduces his headaches, crazy what else reduces stress?

    The amount of money gets me when you hear 'i dont have enough money', hmm dont smoke then. Can you feel sorry for that?

  6. Very interesting i have a list which seems everyone else agrees with in some way.

    - 36 compact when they revealed that there must have been stunned silence. Why didnt anyone say something?

    - Z3 oh talk about horses face and there are so many for sale. The z4 however is stunning.

    I dont know that the 5 and 7 should get put in the same basket. As the interior could be considered more important. They should look solid, be reliable and comfortable to be in.

  7. If that list wasn't so true it would be really funny!

    All countries have bad or inconsiderate drivers, I guess in NZ it's just the high percentage. Coupled with a lack of two-lane roads where you can easily overtake.

    I am surprised no-one has mentioned those "knights of the road" the truckies? Whose give way rule seems to be "you only give way to things bigger than you, or at a push things big enough to cause you damage"

    In the short time that I have been in NZ I have had so slam the brakes on, both in my cars and on my push-bike, to avoid trucks that have just pulled straight out in front of me, or failed to give way, purely because they were bigger than me. Absolute wankers of the biggest kind. :angry:

    Rant over!

    I once saw a truck driver who had no way through go for it and take the tail light out on some ladies car. She should have moved over more was his excuse.

  8. Yea I saw that, partly the reason why I said what I said. The bus driver wasnt completely at fault here but I can almost guarantee he was going to fast through that roundabout, they normally dont slow down for it!!

    I find it pretty scary to navigate that area on a bmx bike every morning and night :blink:

    He wasnt at fault, he got hit by a van. Which brings me to my point. Courier drivers get away with some of the worst driving i have ever seen.

  9. to really make the point how about the f**kwit the made a noise complaint at 6.11pm about the kindy disco? who does that?

    That is stupid. Was only from 5.30 to 7.30pm? Must have interupted the NEWS on tv. Dont see many preschool parties spilling out onto the road in a drunken state.

  10. Well i think it is a fun way of promoting something maybe just not the adult industry, breast cancer or breast feeding could be ideas.

    I would say it is in bad taste because they are advertising the adult industry.

    I voted yes because i like boobs... :P well i do and the younger generation that maybe shouldnt be watching will be fine. I dont think it is very shocking these days.

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