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Everything posted by e30plz

  1. Also keen on a straight pipe, would imagine it is legal aslong as it is under the legal limit. Edit: Which as John said could be difficult.. lol.
  2. http://cgi.ebay.de/RH-ZW1-4x100-9und-10x17...3#ht_786wt_1167 These aren't bad either, all I want for christmas is some dish.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.de/BBS-RS-16-4x100-Felgen-...2#ht_5315wt_941
  4. Hawt, i'd give my left one for those if they were 4x100.
  5. Damn that was a long sentence. Nice.
  6. Hard, the stockings look sh*t. Welcome to BS.
  7. e30plz


    The front of that GT3 is a bit weird, second Porsche is **** tho. Thread needs some Audi R8.
  8. Shows how sh*t of a driver he must be.
  9. Wooh factory tails, looks sweet. M20s with holey exhausts ftw. Saw you're moving back in December, are you going to sell it?
  10. Needs spacers for more gangsta stance.
  11. e30plz

    My M3

    Damn that M3 is tidy. Welcome
  12. e30plz

    Metal Music Fans

    Heavy instrumentals. Maybe too growly for ya tho. Ahah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMlN6MG1weI
  13. e30plz

    Metal Music Fans

    You mean pig squeels. Deathcores beyond screaming, lols.
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