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Posts posted by 325GRANT

  1. from what ive heard LINK are no longer making the LEM, but they will keep making the LINK plus. so if you want a link you might want to be quick before they sell out of LEM's.

    this is only what ive heard and could be wrong but im pretty sure im right.

    BTW ... the LEM is a really good ecu. ive just finished installing my link and ive been playing around with the pc link software, its awesome.

    if your thinking about getting a LINK, go to their site

    and download the "PC LINK" software and see what you think.

    you can still get the LEM v5 on trade me.

    good luck.

  2. have you considered that it's not the sunroof leaking?

    there are 2 drain holes in each of your sills (sp?) about a foot from the front and a foot from the back. if either of these are blocked your sill will fill up with water and over flow through holes on the inside onto your floor. mine block all the time mostly drivers side rear. because my driveway has a slight rise in it water fills up rear d/s sill and soaks carpet behind drivers seat.

    jack up your car and stick a screwdriver up your hole, see what happens.

  3. not 100% but i think you can tie your coils to the bottom and top platform (using oxy welding rods???) so when you jack the car up they stay captive.

    im pretty sure this is legal but it would pay to check it out first.

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