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Posts posted by 325GRANT

  1. The e30 TPS is only WOT and IDLE -

    I'm using an e36 TPS on my setup (little bracket for it).

    Don't bother wiring in the idle control solenoid - you don't need it.

    rite then... few more questions...

    what is "WOT" ???

    and how do you get around idle control solenoid? do you just block the pipes?

    any chance of a photo of your engine bay?


  2. at least he is coming up with ideas to improve our site fullas..

    and isnt that the plan???

    if the goal is to have 4000 members by the end of the year maybe we need to be a little more tolerant of peoples ideas, especially newer members that have not had time to get to know other members and their personalities. lets face it there are a few people here that can be a little "abrasive" at times. those of us that have been on here for a while dont have a problem with it, but i can see how it could put new posters off ever coming back. im not pointing the finger at anyone, nor am i wanting to start a debate on how people need to "harden up" maybe they do but the reality is rather then harden up they will more then likely just not come back. what andrew and the rest of the guys working on the "new site" have in mind will be pretty awesome if they can pull it off and we can all help it along by doing our bit to increase members, but theres no point if after their first few posts they decide bugger you lot im off to Performance Car forum or chosen few ... we're not the only car forum out there.

    i know this looks a bit like a whinge but its really not meant to be, we have a lot of really helpful members (90% of active posters id say) and we could make this one of the best forums in the country. more members = more knowledge and that can only make the site better.

    well thats the end of my moaning whine for the day :wacko:

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