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Everything posted by pjay

  1. pjay

    E36 Paint Time :D

    mm pics dont do justice. looks extremely sex in reality. Not this particular car.. havent seen this in real life. Theres a satin black S15, and the satin black and gloss blue RX7 rolling around NZ, as well as a few utes and rotaries that ive seen that are omgwtfroflmaobbqsauce secks
  2. pjay

    iphone 3G

    yeah saw that at work. Good on him! Real men only need to call/ read the occasional text from the missus anyway
  3. love the cheeky silver m3(?) that drifts the wide corner
  4. To be honest, i don't care what angel eyes i buy, as long as they are: - going to last me the time of my ownership of my car - really bright - easy to install
  5. pjay

    Locked Out

    hahaha no way. best chuckle ive had today.
  6. pjay


    Sent you a PM. Thanks
  7. pjay


    Mine does it once a month if that. Still oughta get it fixed? sh*t all my posts up there look stupid
  8. it wasnt funny for me.. now powerthirst. thats funny
  9. pjay


    mmm soo funny heres the fix http://www.unitedbimmer.com/forums/e36/135...rel-repair.html
  10. pjay


    here boy http://www.unitedbimmer.com/forums/e36/135...rel-repair.html
  11. pjay


    oooh need to replace the battery in the key for the transponder i believe. Its your factory immobilizer
  12. no way! I could buy 2 sets and just flick one off on trademe. Anyone else wanna do the same? I like discounts!
  13. You're a cynical one aren't you? Whats your ride?
  14. bee em wankell id call it. not bee em double you
  15. my thoughts = omgwtfroflecopterjdmyomaobbqsaucesexftmfwhawtl337h4x0r i like it
  16. Whens this finalized? Ive got mon mon money on thursday
  17. 6 cylinder or 4 cylinder?
  18. real sports cars are coupes, with sunroofs. Love it. Dad does too.
  19. pjay


    love it! Just what i needed on a monday. Love lolcat too.. So pointlessly funny
  20. $180 cash on thursday if not sold already for 9833
  21. lose the interior, guages and stocking tail lights, and itd get some respect from me. The car screams im 15 years old as it is now
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