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Everything posted by pjay

  1. i can see the trademe auctions now.. 1989 mazda famila - does 12 second passes! Measured by GTech
  2. ive had 3 accounts suspended, because of multiple logins.
  3. Mmm i know what you mean, i only know one cop personally and hes always in "look-at-me-im-a-cop" mode. Theres another forums i sit on, nzice, and theres also a copper on there too. I velieve NZH and toyspeed have many cop members aaaand kiwibiker does for sure.
  4. If that was sarcasm, i fully failed
  5. cops are people too... Ther are allowed to belong to forums, and have enthusiam for BMW's you know O_o
  6. pjay

    E30 vs. E36

    i like factory E36's and crazy tweaked supercharged/turbo E30's. Dont like stocker E30's
  7. pjay

    E30 vs. E36

    view results (null vote)
  8. i dont think its important who it was
  9. mm she soes nothing for me
  10. no it wont fit. dont bid on it.
  11. Glad thats an honest opinion.. would hate for it to be just IMO E90 = ugly to me, but so do most blond girls
  12. Hey hey hey, thats mine.. Herumph.. Can i buy those eyelids off you nick021? I completely forgot about them
  13. pjay

    Have a laugh

    i dont get the knife one :s
  14. XD Welcome! XD Just dont ask about compressed springs XD
  15. hes just bidding to find the reserve id say. i do it all the time
  16. i was being sarcastic O_o
  17. looks like a shark from the front. an eagle from the back. side on its blah.. dont like it at all.
  18. Nah thats ok mate. I cant imagine it on my car. Do you ahve any fitted shots? What sort of "style" is it?
  19. JiB is a genius. Its possible
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