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Everything posted by pjay

  1. nothing wrong with hondas. i see your ride is "too embarassing" ....is it by any chance.. a honda?
  2. snap goes the gearstick.. would laugh at that
  3. bluetooth cup holder??? huh
  4. Its simple. Find the rattle.. and stop it?? If its on the exterior, you need to make the bits rattling heavier to stop them vibrating as much, if its inside the car, foam that bitch up. Dynamat is your friend as mentioned before. On your wheel wells, in the boot, the boot lid. More the boot lid to stop flex, not rattle. Listen for the rattle, let me know where its rattling, and i can provide some options.
  5. pjay

    Petrol Promotion

    no way! Thats great!
  6. mmmm mcdonalds hot chocolates. i have a cupholder most of the time. Her names Amy
  7. Edit.. fail number 2 for me today
  8. pjay

    BMW Brake Rotors

    Edit. nvm, im an idiot
  9. pjay

    E36 Paint Time :D

    shiiit satin black aint youre average matt black, and it sure aint cheap either!!
  10. hahaha no way! youre ignition wire/acc is wrong matey by the sounds of it What did you wire to where??
  11. Thank you! Damn.. was worrying about you lot for a second.. theres better movies to Lassie, and a walk to remember you know!
  12. like over accelerate through a wet corner? Very easy to do. Not everybody is a driving genius
  13. was up to 1500 last time i saw it on one dollar reserve.. (correct me if im wrong)
  14. So basically my BMW in sport mode is god. I like that
  15. how do i drive mine? however the f**k i want. shes mine
  16. a mate told me the higher the octane, the hotter it burns at.. is that right?
  17. pjay

    E36 Paint Time :D

    well i am from west auckland
  18. Highest km car ive owned was a GTZ levin with 212km's. Was great!! Just needed suspension replaced. The engine never gave me a hint of trouble. Dads old hiace did 400km+ before he flicked it off to buy a new hiace. Ive got respect for the Toymotas lasting long periods of time. Bought this bimmer at 108, plan on keeping her till she dies or until i can afford a 300kph+ car. We shall see how she goes. Wont usually look at cars over 200km unless its for a run around or has an engine i know is tried and tested.
  19. more info... reds or golds? Where you in NZ? You the importer?
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