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bimmer boy

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Everything posted by bimmer boy

  1. bimmer boy

    Facelift parts

    yeah same. I just want beer
  2. Not that funny but just because it is a bmw forum it seems apropriate, im sure you have all heard it before A yuppie opened the door of his BMW, when suddenly a car came along and hit the door, ripping it off completely. When the police arrived at the scene, the yuppie was complaining bitterly about the damage to his precious BMW. "Officer, look what they've done to my Beeeeemer!!!", he whined. "You yuppies are so materialistic, you make me sick!!!", retorted the officer. "You're so worried about your stupid BMW, that you didn't even notice that your left arm was ripped off!!!" "Oh my gaaawd...," replied the yuppie, finally noticing the bloody left shoulder where his arm once was, "Where's my Rolex?!!!!!"
  3. bimmer boy

    E30 X3

    Nah, I dont know anything else about it
  4. bimmer boy

    E30 X3

    Well if its still running a normal E30 engine it wont be going around anywhere fast let alone a corner with a set up like that
  5. bimmer boy

    E30 X3

    Just thought I would share with the rest of you lot enjoy
  6. Oh thats good then, Yeah I took mine off to try get the the air con thing to get to that circit board to try with the heater fan, obviously had no luck hah Someone should start a chain of bimmersport wreckers all over the country
  7. :thumb: Looks cool dude, stand out pretty good, real eye catching
  8. Whats the bet its off my old car haha
  9. bimmer boy

    Hartge H23

    Yep, agreed ,maybe its the colour, you would think they would have slapped a bit more of a kit on it , but then again it could have been removed, good luck with the sale
  10. Yeah thats the same with me kinda, having one of my parents that smoke and neither myself , my brother or sister smoke because of that, It smells yuck , its taste yuck , so I dont see the point
  11. I'll pay to be a member for sure, I've been here long enough, should have made me pay ages ago, haha, Andrew looks like you got lots of people keen to help out you will have no troubles getting this thing up and going.
  12. If I knew who you were at those drinks I would have been more social , and not give you so much sh*t, haha
  13. I said no, because funily enough , I dont smoke, although one drunken ciggarette at the mega meet doesnt count.
  14. Sounds like a cool idea aye, I'd be keen to help out with what ever would need to be done.
  15. The lights look cool dude, get those night pictures!
  16. I'd only buy from overseas if it's something you cant get from here. be nice to me and I can give you a discount maybe on those items, not genuine bmw items but still all good. But then again if your thinking of getting hard to find items but can get it overseas then I suppose its worth it, as long as its not rediculously priced.
  17. Give Duncan a PM , He was giving away some E30 coupe seats for free.
  18. bimmer boy

    The Hate Thread

    No, i talk a good talk, but as it turns out I'm pretty handy with the vacuum cleaner, oven, washing machine, and am brilliant when an iron (not the golfing kind) is put in my hand.Cheers Grant Grant's the house bitch! hehe
  19. With a 535i engine I would imagine it would be faster than a 320 turbo, but correct me if im wrong, but I would think it would be more top end speed rather than off the mark speed as you would have with a turbo, i dunno 535 engine is cooler IMO
  20. And once you find one you will find that your at the backof the line behind alomst everyone else on this site. haha
  21. You mean to say E60 5-series, E90's are the new 3er'sLucky boy to have a dad with a E46 M3
  22. Upgrade to 325, and then make its hella fast and in the end would be faster than a fast 320, obviously. hah Or you could just do a transplant 3.5L from a 535 or something I dunno , guess its only limited to your imagination and your wallet
  23. bimmer boy

    euro plates

    I'll measure the frame next time I work
  24. Do a search on here , theres a few useful things in thereHere
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