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Posts posted by twisted

  1. I dunno. Last of the E39's, 78k on chassis, spanking engine and gearbox just run in, all the desirable bits, V8 and manual... Could be worth it to the right person. I would advise those who are genuinely interested to talk to Ross at bm workshop.

    I've seen factory manual E34 v8's sell for $20k, so really... Don't believe this is unreasonable.

    Scoffed the first time I saw it listed, however have had time to think about it.

  2. The e30 vert trademe scene is a good example of misleading prices. There was nothing listed for a while, then some tidyish ones appeared for a staggering 9k, which obviously didn't sell.

    Few months later some older/rougher ones appeared and based themselves from the existing prices, which is still too much.

    So now you see 7 or 8 verts listed pretty high almost for the last 4-5 months with none selling.

    Its good for insurance claims, but nothing else really

    Have noticed this with E34 540's too.

  3. I've got no problem with bikes lane splitting provided they do it properly.

    Unlike the prick that cut me off the other day then SAT IN THE RIGHT LANE. At 80k. On a bike. With a car next to him on the left also doing 80k.

    That situation was an excellent exercise in self control.

  4. SAAB a good car - really - done any homework??  Make great planes and trucks


    Agree with comment about have to own an Alfa to be truly considered an enthusiast  - I would add one further condition it would HAVE to be a rear wheel drive Alfa, none of those nasty SUDS or later things-

    P.S> Alfa admit they have strayed and will be returning to making rear wheel drive cars.


    Generation X slow learners - most of them YES

    Nothing wrong with suds. Except when you hit a greasy patch on a 45deg bend with a touch to much speed, and the sud thinks it's a drift car and then panics when it remembers its front wheel drive. with a diminutive wheel base.

    And the rust isn't a problem provided you ave a mig and 500kg of box section laying about...

    Hand brake rooted? No worries, just remove those in board discs and calipers AT THE FRONT to replace your shoes.

    That said. Would own another in a heart beat. Would be keen for an alfetta too.

  5. Hard to find tidy e36s but also hard to find tidy e46s. Unless paying a crazy price.

    Same story for all cars really.

    E34s are great cars but hold out for a good one.

    Same story with e39 but i would personallh stay away from 95% them that are on the market.

    Have sunk a small fortune in to my e39, and that's with doing the bulk of the work myself. And it still needs lots of cosmetic work.

    Keep having thoughts about another V8 E34, but that could very well spell divorce hah.

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