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Posts posted by twisted

  1. That e34 has a funky looking steering wheel. Quite like the tackiness of it but id get sick of looking at it after a while. It must be a reasonably obscure item? Must have had the OG purchaser of the steering wheel giving it a bit of thoughtful consideration even in the mid 90's.

    Think it's a jap thing tbh. Have seen similar things on a range of jap cars.

    Definitely needs correction imo!

  2. Sadly, this one is not an ACS, despite what Carjam says.


    ACS said so. I asked.


    Still potentially a nice car, though.

    No, that's just a 535i with m sport suspension and steering wheel. Already checked. Dude isn't asking too much tho, depending on the state of it.

  3. I've watched Holdens, Hyundais and others throw themselves off the road at less than 60k on corners I happily navigate at 80k plus - I have no desire to toss my kids in the ditch on the way to school - hence the X5 is our school bus.

    - unlikely to fall of the road,

    - unlikely to come off second best,

    - unlikely to chuck up rude surprises when least wanted.



    The "poorly designed" was a framing comment not specifically aimed at the Volvo, didn't bother researching them any further after the first couple of test drives,  the most alarming was the XC 90 - horrific  understeer and sledging if even slightly encouraged,  cars were mediocre- would go an Alfa 156 or 159 / VW Golf for a FWD shopping basket.  


    Good luck with the Volvo  -

    I'll keep this brief as to not ruin dg's thread.

    While fwd does have its limitations, it's idiots that try and drive them like a rwd that tend to make them plough and fall off the road. Entry speed, braking points, throttle on points - all different.

    We all know you're a manual rwd zealot. Dosen't make you right though.

  4. Lol 100k on a brewery set up?! We have one at home and cost around 6grand...

    Id probably just buy a 64 impala, a 3.0 csi give myself 100k and invest the rest over a 5-10 year period

    While I stipulated home brewery, I didn't stipulate scale... I''ve allowed for about 30k for gear, and about 70 to replace the non plumbed sleepout I currently use with a purpose built building. The setup would probably allow for 400L Batches. It's a wishlist after all ^_^

  5. I don't understand how hard it can be to pour some stuff on a road and roll over it to make it flat.

    It's a given that first time round they'll screw it up. But to then not fix it, especially when they are already working on the same section of road is negligent at best and criminal at worst. It's like driving in a mag 7+ earthquake.

  6. I can still not get over the fact that hamilton doesnt have a single man hole cover flush with the road. All are either raised or sunken. And they always put them in the main wheel tracks.

    Road works is one of the last trye manual jobs. Everything else has become more efficient and manchine reliant but truth of the matter is every roading prohect takes thousands of man hours and every time minimum wage goes up it costs more.

    We cant afford to have good roads when we are paying f**kwits $30+ an hour to stand around.

    Man hole cover on my street is a good 5cm below road level. Right in the left wheel track, and immediately after braking point. Does my head in.

  7. Sh1 between peka peka and te horo. At the end of the passing lane (merge point), some inept contractor had attempted a repair to the road surface apparently by means of dumping a load of hotmix and spreading it around with a shovel. It's so bad, that even in the e39 I brace myself at 90 clicks. It's been like that for at least two years now, and the kicker? The preceeding 400m of road was re sealed this summer.

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