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Everything posted by 1rotty

  1. 1rotty

    E30 24V

    ^^^^ I'd offer to have a run against him but I'd hate seeing him wave me goodbye
  2. Ah!! Hide & Seek-cool. Oooh yeah-what are your plans for it?
  3. About 25, 5'6'',blonde,great tits,great personality-----------------oh you mean the car
  4. 1rotty

    HB Jared (Eagle)

    Have one for me bro
  5. I got to get a look at one at Xmas-hot chickie had just bought it off a friend who had struggled to sell it due to color. She paid $7k & it was mint,manual & low ks. IMO it was hawt. PS PJs one isnt Fiji Green
  6. Very nice-I do love a good schnizzle
  7. 1rotty

    E30 24V

    And its got pretty wheels back on lol
  8. Well done guys. God I've drunk a lot the last couple days
  9. You're in chch William,take a wee road trip & check it out 230ks isnt a concern if its been looked after. Heres the carjam 4 u to check out ( I have a friend looking for one so have been scoping haha) https://www.carjam.co.nz/report/?ref=525CD50A
  10. Fine for a good middle of the road shock
  11. At one point it was dereg for close to 6 mths
  12. kerry-they'll just set your wheels & paint job off perfectly
  13. Guibo,driveshaft,warped rotors,Alignment,buckled rim,wheel balance,bushes Edit-& not being funny-check the wheel nuts are tight
  14. 1rotty

    Actual Speed

    I always understood most odo's show 5-7ks approx under actual speed as a safety feature. Mine all have about this discrepancy versus my gps. Cruise set at 112 lol.
  15. Gotta be in miles therefore quite high for an m3 no?
  16. Thought you were having an 'e30 break' lol. Great score
  17. +1 ^^^^^ There are rolling tools on tm which look identical to that one in Kerrys post for $40.
  18. You guys are too awesome-thanks
  19. Last gasp effort haha.. Short notice I know-no drama if it cant be done
  20. At his workshop atm-does that work?
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