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Everything posted by JaseNZ

  1. Thanks good to know, Only ever bought in 2 separate items and they were good enough not to put the full amount on the package.
  2. Yup , Can you get busted if you try bringing anything in that's under the price you paid for it. Ie the declaration on said package that arrived at my door today was only for $100 where as it cost a lot more than the NZ $400
  3. JaseNZ

    Moving on up.

    From the states via a guy on ebay, Brand spanking new in oem box $575 to my door. BMW here quoted over a grand. So my old 3 spoke wheel that also has the multi function buttons is for sale $300 to anybody on here.
  4. JaseNZ

    Moving on up.

    This turned up today, I was surprised at the speed at which it got here. Install was a 10 minute job and looks and feels great. Tactile feeling of using it driving is 1000% better than the sports wheel.
  5. Actually a couple of days ago replaced the gear and handbrake leavers gaiters that i got from the uk via ebay.
  6. At least it has a couple of center cup holders
  7. haha , nice. Actually when I first went over to South Africa and arrived in capetown i grabbed the wrong taxi, He had a pair of vice grips for a steering wheel and a sawn off shotgun between the seats. His advice to me was shoot them before they shoot you. For a 19 year old (a long time ago) it scared the absolute bejesus out of me.
  8. oh I thought vice grips were the new m-tech
  9. Dealer here charges an oil disposal fee.
  10. hahaha +1I remember i used to use all my old oil on the judder bars down the back beach in my mrk1 escort, ahhh those were the days.
  11. Most people have been complaining since apple updated their firmware's with the video out function. It used to work ok with jailbroken iphone's and a certain app but even that dosn't now work any more. This is with alot of car makers. I don't have an iphone this is just what I have seen and read on various other forum's in my dealings with the dynavin.
  12. I have used lumley on both of mine and are worth every dime. Never had a single problem with lumley getting things done. As long as the car is serviced by every km's as per spec'ed in the policy.
  13. Here is an interesting one. You may have seen I purchased a new mtech steering wheel from the states for a total cost of $575 to the door. The missus is saying are you f*cking crazy spending that amount on a bloody steering wheel. My reply was yeah but BMW here quoted me $1050 so I am getting it for half the price so I had to get it, Just like you said the other day Oh I bought some new shoes today they were only $380 but they were 40% off so I would have been stupid not to get them. At this point she did not know what to say and just said fair enough. hehehehehehe
  14. Yeah i have it here, Although i have not been game enough to use it, As you said a couple back one small slip and the wrong value put in and you are up sh*t creek with ought a paddle.
  15. Got it sorted, Have got one coming for $425USD shipped to the door via Fedex. , Amazing how you can get it for under 1/2 the price i was quoted by BMW here.
  16. Got a reply back this morning, $150USD for shipping, That's a fair whack for shipping.
  17. OK so i rented this out during the weekend because I really wanted to give it a go. Turns out from a person who's last game they really played was space invaders its not half bad. What I really want to know is does buying the steering wheel setup make all the difference. ie is it like driving a real car with amount of pressure you put on the brakes throttle etc.
  18. good spotting might have to look into that.
  19. Have already requested shipping costs from them and have not been able to find anybody else to beat the price they are looking at unless Gavin can do it even if he was a bit over i would go with Gavin as he is here but will have to wait and see.
  20. i am looking at getting this from them, Cheapest I have been able to source and dealer is asking $1050 Will of course try Gavin when they reopen next week. http://www.turnermotorsport.com/html/detai..._ID=32342282020
  21. Has anybody delt with or bought anything off of Turner motor sport at all and if you have were they ok. I am looking at buying something in the 400usd price range so wanted to get the low down before i shell out the clams. These guys >>Visit My Website<<
  22. So if one would be looking for a v1 where and what would the cheapest new one you could acquire be as i have seen prices from $799 to to $1200.
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