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Everything posted by JaseNZ

  1. Turned up today thanks Andy, This is the second set I have got and they are farkin fantastic. Cheers for going out of your way in organizing these buys much appreciated.
  2. For anybody that is interested Dynavin has put out a limited run to gauge the interest I would say in an android version. Looks pretty interesting and I would consider upgrading possibly. Quite a few pics and discussion here. >.Android dynavin<<
  3. Sorry did not realize it was a brand spanker, I would be getting the dealer to sort it out for you, for that sort of $$ I would more than expect them to be stepping up to the mark. Oh and since you are new you do realize that pics are mandatory.
  4. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=35097
  5. I have tried all of the other stuff mentioned above and to be honest I would have to say the one i just grabbed is the easiest and most comprehensive I have used. I have no idea if it would work on an e36 and I am guessing it wouldn't. This has everything I need and more and its small easy to store and I can just whip out the laptop to the car to use it no need to keep an old lappy around anymore with the serial port.
  6. There ya go never even know they existed. Thanks for sharing.
  7. This is the guy I got mine off of, He still has some and shipping is still free. Here is one of the auctions. >>Ebay auction<<
  8. Should be no reason why it would not work with your car as long as its OBDII with the rectangular female connection.
  9. this might give you a little more info its their website. >>clicky me<<
  10. So I had a new scanner turn up today that i ordered off of ebay and thought I would give it a whirl. You's may have already seen it or even own one but I have never really seen anything mentioned on here so thought i might as well put something up. Its based on pa soft's scanner, I should really rephrase that, it use's pa soft's software and a knock off copy of their hardware. If you buy it from the states it will set you back about 1k usd, I paid all up including shipping which was actually free $100 nzd. Installed the software that came with it which is the latest version of pa soft's and installed the drivers and everything worked straight away. To be honest its a lot more in-depth than I thought and you could do some damage if you did not know what you were doing. The good thing is it list out all shadow memory faults as well. Then there is the programming side of things which covers just about everything you could ever need including coding in new or used modules even coding in new or used instrument clusters. You can out everything to a log and also read live data. Its a usb based tool which is also very hand as you could use it on any lappy. I just did a scan had a look around and coded the car to flash the indicators when locking and unlocking to see if it worked and lo and behold it did. Anyway here are some pics of it hooked up to my car. Don't know how long all those errors were sitting there but have cleared them all now and will do another scan in a week to see if any of them pop back up. They can't be that bad as none of them have triggered the cel at all. On with the pics. Well worth $100 in my opinion. It also lists all the options that came with your car. Any of you guys from chch that would like a scan done free of charge of course would be more than welcome to contact me to have it done as long as its ODB2 you would be good to go. Can provide you a full log to take away with you as well Note : this is just a few pages you can go in to there are lots and lots of more
  11. For me I just got my normal plate letters but in the euro plate form and have never even been looked at. The next set will be used just for photo's and possibly any meets.
  12. reset adaptations , turn certain features off/on (dependent if you have them) , should work on your car no problems. Yup just handy to have around for code scanning.
  13. yup i will be in with the following. Mspec : Pair NZ Plate with Black Ferns, "M SPEC"
  14. SOLD depending payment up for grabs is a carsoft scanner interface. Is one of those Chinese knockoff's and comes with carsoft 6.5 + SP1 on a burnt cd. Note : Best to have an older laptop with a serial port , you can get an serial to usb adapters but they are hit and miss if they work. Works good as gold and I just don't need it anymore as I have moved up to a Bavarian Technic Has the OBDII connection as well as the Large round 20 pin plug for the older cars. $80 plus p&h
  15. As the title says however innocent until proven guilty nothing worse than trial by media. >> News Story<<
  16. I had a calculator you could play boxing on that was pretty cool in its day.
  17. No No we were talking about old tech stuff not old sex toys
  18. Nope stacker will be out but no need for one with usb in or ipod/iphone. Sorry I don't know about the price its not me selling them I just replied since being one of the first in nz to bring one in I know a fair bit about them. I am sure the OP will let you have a play with one his business looks like a pretty good one. IMO one of the best upgrades I have done to the car since I have had it.
  19. It does have preset equalizers but they are not that great. Your steering wheel controls will work 100% with the unit. The sat nav side is run with windows ce mobile so anything that runs on that base will run on it. I use IGO Primo 1.2 on mine with first quarter of this years maps and yes they are updatable. (I could supply you with all this free ) Here is a pic of all the outs in response to your amps question. Of course the standard harness is plug and play with the unit as well.
  20. JaseNZ

    Ipad 2 question

    Ok cool cheers for that.
  21. As per the title says, Now sitting on tardme. >>Trademe link<<
  22. JaseNZ

    Ipad 2 question

    I know absolutely nothing about the Ipad 2 but was thinking of getting one for work thought it might be easier than having to do the paper trail. What I want to know is when I get home with this thing can I dock it and play my music through my stereo with it ??
  23. Mate they are not lipstick
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