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Everything posted by JaseNZ

  1. JaseNZ

    The year of 2011

    So was going to give the car a clean the other day as the brake dust was turning the front end a tad on the black side, Thing is I thought they looked pretty bloody good black. What do you think if I was to put these in and had them refurbed and changed to black. I know nothing about this process and if I got it done would get it done properly. I am assuming they would be powder coated ??. A gloss finish or matt finish would be the other question. I still want to lower the car a tad but am going to wait until our roads are a bit back to some normality. What do you think ?? , So imagine the following picture but with them being black. Can't do photo shop stuff so you will have to do what we always used to do in our day and imagine.
  2. The 3g is not built in you have to buy the modem stick and from what I have seen there is a lot of problems in getting it connected. Most people are tethering the system to their cell and using that as the data carrier for the net which is fine if you live somewhere that has unlimited data but here in nz we pay a fortune for our cell data and we are capped depending on what plan you are on.
  3. Alas no you will have to provide your own sellotape as well as picture. :lollies:
  4. hahah yeah , Winner can custom cut though.
  5. Somebody should Jump on this at this price. Has a farkin great history and is well worth it.
  6. Well done there is always a sense of satisfaction when completing something like this yourself, That and it looks so friken cool
  7. Right all you buggers head over to the trade me link and have a look. I am not worried or asking anybody to bid just look and pass on to maybe all your work colleagues. I am running the auction on behalf of the missus who is concerned about all the quake affected animals and people who have just up and left and left their pets behind (Wankers). Anyway have a look its just a light hearted auction to see if I can raise any money. >>Click on me for trademe link<<
  8. Depends on how deep your pockets are
  9. Pm'ed , Let us all know the results
  10. welcome always nice to see another e46 in the stable. Dynavin is always an option for the stereo if you have the finances
  11. hehe, Yes I know your pain, To be honest mate I just go off of what my HR people tell me. I am pretty much just saying what they told me. Subsection this article that its all bloody gibberish. You would think things could just be laid out in plain english. What I said is what I have been going off of in relation to dealing with my staff. However I have not had to use any of the new legislation yet in regards to sickness
  12. This is how the law used to be where you had the right to request a medical cert after 3 days and if you requested one for say 1 or 2 days then the employer had to pay for it. Now we are able to request one after 1 day and the employee has to foot the bill instead. However the employer must communicate to the employee why they are doing this and must have a valid reason to back this up. Ie they have a historic amount of sick time off on given days etc. I am a manger of approx 70+ staff and I would only use this on any staff are taking the piss and are off constantly , You know if somebody is not being truthful and if they say have no history of being off sick then I would let it slide. However if somebody was off say every second Friday or something like that then I would activate the 1 day request of med cert to try and break the cycle. Via law this overrides any individual or collective agreement that is in place for the purposes of this specific change.
  13. Been watching the MTV classic channel now on sky, Brings back great memory's of music and my old glory days hahaha, cruising around in my mk1 escort that if you tried to turn the lights on the motor would cut out. Anyway +1 for this channel I like it a lot and can see it being on in the background quite a bit.
  14. If you only purchased it a couple of months ago I would be taking it back to them and getting them to sort it for you (if it was via a dealer). +1 on what bikerchris said
  15. That would be handy indeed.
  16. Thanks for all the input guys and in weighing everything up I going to stay where I am. Yes it would be cheaper to go across to Telstra Clear but I don't like being locked into non fixed contract for 2 years. Currently I do get good service from Telecom and never have a problem with my broadband (except when we get slammed with f**ken quakes). My mobile is all rolled into everything and now I have an Iphone I bloody love the app of being able to remotely set recordings for sky. Sometimes I guess the saying of the devil you know serves you best.
  17. Yup thats the major concern for me is the 24 months term.
  18. So I just had this guy from Telstra clear knock on my door offering to save me a million dollars a year. Currently I am will telecom and have my phone line and mobile through them as well as a 60gig broadband plan. Telstra clear is offering all the same with the sky rolled into the bill as well all for around $200 per month. This includes a t-box which I assume is the same as the mysky box with my hd ticket as well. The only thing they cannot offer is porting my mobile across. Who's with Telstra ?? , are they any good and does anybody have the sort of package I am talking about. Just after as much info as possible so I can make my mind up.
  19. JaseNZ

    Iphone help.

    Yup already had a look at that and looks pretty easy, Would have thought you could just assign something to it though, Hell you can do that sort of thing on a $100 phone lol.
  20. JaseNZ

    Iphone help.

    Ok guys so my old phone which was a htc touch hd was pissing me off no end with its lack of signal strength so I decided to upgrade phones. I bought a second hand (4 months old) 16gb iphone 3gs. I went for this because it was a fraction of the cost of an iphone 4 First thoughts are hmmm ok not to bad but does lack some stuff I would have thought would have been pretty simple like being able to select mp3 ringtone for text's and not having to ssh into the phone or whatever and replace one of the 6 in there. By the way mine is jail broken and on the xt network and firmware 4.3.3 whatever that means. So i am new to all this iPhone thing and still learning how to drive it, can anybody recommend some cool apps to put on it. I have installed weatherboard is it for theme's , What is a cool theme that people use ?? Any other cool tips or tricks on driving or adding to this thing would be most appreciated.
  21. No you cannot just drop one in, I used this and it copied across everything I had on my current one and initalised the new one. Just a note that I am not trying to copy anything to backup stuff I was just getting pissed at not having much space to use especially when the missus and kids have stuff series linked all over the place. You cannot watch stuff via you pc or anything like that either. >>Clicky me<<
  22. , no sorry i don't but if I ever need them to come around for anything I can always swap it back in.
  23. Dunno if anybody is interested in this but today I dropped a 1tb drive into my mysky box because I was getting pissed at the fact that out of the 320gb only half of that is actually available to record on the other half is reserved for ppv. New drive works perfectly with nothing allocated to ppv and will be a hell of a lot longer now before I run out of space.
  24. Came across this and thought it was friken great. >>Click me<<
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