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Everything posted by bellicose

  1. bellicose

    E36 Rat Style

    Oh ok i missed the irony lol. Doesn't want to chip his rust maybe?
  2. bellicose

    E36 Rat Style

    Why? It's the same as he's trying to do to his E36. Some people
  3. I've got got 4 metric tyres..............but they're holding up one of my E3's lol.
  4. Sorry mate there's no way 'round it. You have to use metric tyres on metric rims. If you can find an outlet that stocks them they will cost you between $500 - $800 per tyre.
  5. bellicose

    E36 Rat Style

    I know what 'props' means. I'm actually questioning your statement 'bout doin' something different. This fad has been done to death in the states and europe, but i guess it takes quite awhile to filter down to NZ. Why can't people be leaders and not followers?
  6. Looks good Ian. PS: Does Wagstaff still employ lots of middle eastern and west african workers? When i was paint shop manager there, the boss and his brother were running a legit business bringing in overseas refinish workers, seemed a bit dodgy but was legal apparently lol.
  7. This isn't on TM but close enough (ebay). Didn't know this was in NZ. It's one very cool car. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...em=280440539494
  8. He's a young guy, but he reckons he won't be doin' anything like that, we will see lol.
  9. Well the car got picked up today and the young fella is driving back as i type. So a chocky fish for the first person to snap a pic' of it up there lol :( :(
  10. Yep you sound like a d*ck............................nah joking mate, no offence ment. You are correct tho', it's an '88 520 over 300k, but as always when we put $ into cars we over estimate their value lol.
  11. Well that was fun I guess the market decided lol.
  12. I'm starting to get pretty nervous now LOL
  13. Holy crap, all these opinions and yet no one has driven one. Well i HAVE and they are equal to many jap cars of similar size and engine capacity. So unless you know then why not STFU. Getting real tired of all the KNAC's on this forum. KNAC = know all c*^ts.
  14. Yea i guess i would have to agree. Although i don't drink and the fact i was a bogan before most here were born lol. Out of 217 cars i've owned half would be "bogan" cars. 37 HQ Holdens (most SBC powered) 16 Chev Impalas 7 Pontiacs 2 Falcons (1 x XY, 1 x XW) 3 Muzzies 2 Sierra cozzies The list goes on. PS: I do actually quite like the car that started this thread.
  15. Sweet, a new word i can use, although i doubt it's a real one
  16. No real puzzle as to why people think BMW owners are arrogant snobs.
  17. Dark blue? I saw one today but could've sworn it was a charcoal colour.
  18. It would be a toss up between a '92 Prelude and a dirty old Cefiro with the sh*t kicked out of it. Those would be the BEST of 'bout the 30 offers i've had.
  19. lol i'm stressing out 'cos i gotta sit here for 2 weeks to see what it sells for, but i guess the market will decide lol.
  20. cheeRS, nah i wasn't too confidant 'bout doin' it either. It's gotta go and i'm getting sick to death with f*^kwits askin' to swap some dirty old jap sh*t, so can't be bothered anymore lol.
  21. Well it's gotta go so it's now $1 reserve auction. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=258384022
  22. Hey all, i'm looking at a set of 18's for the 'tow pig', but one has a chunk out of the inner edge and is also now out of round. My question is where in the north island can i get it fixed? These. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=258127021
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