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Posts posted by yng_750

  1. university exams finish on the 6th of November after that the market will be flooded as the hoards of soulless minions go forth trying to escape the humid burning hell that is Hamilton and find humanity within various other realms of this great land.... wait what was i talking about...


    might have to go next year so i dont have to put up with hundreds of ad breaks

    /end rant

  3. Looks like Murphy's long standing lap record is going to get smashed, watch a times this year and compare them to last, these all new Supercars are bloody quick!

    not quite bit wet today

    hell of a kick in the side for murphy though getting his time disqualified

  4. in future just get a 65$ A-class exemption reg. If you plan to drive car while not warranted it can save you a bit of money. This reg is ment to be for Non motorway or highway roads. and is limited to 90kms per hour so its not completely fool proof but 9/10 you will be pulled over on regular streets anyway.

    im considering that foir when i get my racecar road certed but i only drove it on the road that day 4km to get its wof then like 2 more to get a reg

    anyway got class coming up soon will go have a chat to them this arvo and let you know how it went

  5. yea will go have a chat to them tomorrow

    i was initially dumbfounded as i was like 1 min overdue on the meter when i got back and saw a ticket and was like seriously he must have been waiting for me to expire then just saw the $200 and just went blank it wasnt till i handed it to a friend that he noticed it was for reg not parking

  6. hey guys i know a few of you have decent legal backgrounds

    anyway i know there is an exclusion in the law that states you can drive an unwarrented car on the road for the purpose of getting to the testing station

    anyway i got a warrent today on a car i have been doing up for the past couple of months

    afterwards i drove into town to get rego (currently on hold) after getting the reg i return to my car to find a $200 hamilton city council ticket for not displaying a current rego

    looking at the receipt he ticketed me 15 mins before i bought my reg a full 1 min after i left my car

    can i fight this in similar circumstances and the wof rule or am i stuffed

    any help appreciated

    in which case i will pay using 2000 10c coins or maybe a mix of coins so they cant use the weighing machine

  7. Did you read the description?

    Also , that jet plane is going 500MPH..

    Posted Image

    the whole is small becuase only the main fuselage has enough mass to smash through a heavily fortified building notice the damage on the side of the building where the wing hit

    also the destruction of the plane wont change much between 500mph and 300mph especially seeing as the 747 carries much more inertia

  8. I highly dislike having cars or seeing cars for sale, and people try telling you how much, in their opinion, they think it's worth.

    "I think it's only worth blahblah because of this and that and this...".

    "How about you f**k off, stop wasting my time, and be a tite ass somewhere else."


    when i was selling my 750il i had some guy leaving comments on trade me saying this is a heap of sh*t my 08 hsv commodore can beat this thing easy etc etc then said ill give you $1000 for it and when i told him to pull his head in and turned down his 1K he he kept ringing me and offering $1100 then $1200 then $1000 again each time saying it was a heap of sh*t and his commodore could beat it in a race

    what a munter

  9. wtf they want cars at intersections to give way to pedestrians

    stopping distance for a car 100m

    stopping distance for a pedestrian 1m

    also the one main thing that gets me is they want to raise the drinking age and lengthen the time you have your learners

    how about making sure they learn something in that time

    compulsory drivers training

    evasive driver training

    sure setting up skid pans and wet driving courses etc may cost a few million but it says on the web page young drivers crashing costs 1.1 bil a year

  10. the worst people are the ones that actually have borderline nice built up cars that say

    " i built it my self " but then know nothing about it because they just through 15k and someone to modify it

    there is a term "built it not bought it " that most dont understand

    a friend of mine lives in pukekohe with a mk1 supercharged mr2 with the factory supercharger stickers dwn the door i have been a passenger with him a couple of times in south auckland and its impossible to pull up at lights without some munters trying to race you in a honda accord or such

    the best look i ever got was from a young guy i used to work with that prattled on about his vtec prelude and how much power the untuned fuel pressure regulator gains him because it puts more fuel in.... etc

    he tore past me in the 750 one day it took about 3 seconds for me to catch up the 40kph to his speed and cruise past him while he was going full noise trying to go faster ... theres no substitute for cubic inches

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