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Everything posted by BMW POWER

  1. Awww I hope she paid for it herself! I've got full insurance and i manage to fork out the $650 it burns me a year....

    Just 1

    Gosh Riley that HOT! Good luck with your plans, I'm fully keen for a Chch-Dunz meet at the end of the year!
  3. Hey Dude Im not a huge fan of "unnatural" conversions myself, but thats just the way I am, But i really appreciate all the time and effort that gone into this conversion. The final product is looking fantastic and by the looks of things will perform as well as it looks. Well done! Emma
  4. I haven't actually driven a manual E30 as of yet, But being a youngin myself (16 Y.O Girl) I can advise you about a good car for your son. Depending if hes as young as me and a boy racer or not. A M325i is an enthusiasts car, and require to be loved, like quite literally. They are becoming hard to get these days in good condition (as previously said) and would you really want a youngin (I am presuming under 18) getting hold of the next best thing to an M3? Personally I wouldn't To be honest, when you're young you're just starting out. Getting used to how driving works, how to behave on the roads, knowing when to do what etc etc. Having a slower and lower spec car is better. Slow = More rection time to hazards and lower spec = Less to go wrong therfore less to fix, less money. (Hopefully ) Im guessing you will be insuring the E30 under your sons name (Its a BAD idea to do it under parents knowing that the son WILL be the main driver) so a 316 Manual will be easier on the wallet for him vs a M325i. So, In my opinion I would buy my son a 316 or 318 Manual.
  5. Thats the one JP, It was a pacific reporter I think... REALLY confusing... Otara, Like the "Minitip of Otara" for those who saw that program ;P
  6. Gus... you wouldn't know where Balclutha was I bet... Its just that I saw this thing on the news Orew, Sotuh Auckland there has been a gang bashing... I looked on a map I know Orewa is north of Auckland but it said South Auckland so i was confused!
  7. Hang on here, I don't quite undertstand. How come "South Auckland" is north of Auckland, and Auckland is South of Orewa when its supposed to be south of Auckland?
  8. You are SO cool.. Gosh thats an acheivment and a half!
  9. Pretty much the hottest thing since sliced bread.
  10. Would suit my 316....
  11. Exscuse my ignorance, but is the "Godfather" Gerry Hodges?
  12. Have you got a laptop with Infrared capability? Switch on the infrared on both things, put the cellphone in front of the IR receiver.. Done.
  13. Haha us girls can get away with anything cant we? Canteburys for the win


    Aw I miss you Rog Come back soon

    E36 M3

    Hey Liam Yes it was SMG. Sold for $29,990. Bargain considering what it was. Oriental Blau, Mustard interior, 1997 EVO. I loved it so much i still have PXTS on my phone! Were you actually going to buy it?


    Yeah Riley's right. The E30 BMW is more often than not "The Gateway BMW"True with my parents: 1991 E30 320i > 1994 E36 320i > 1996 E39 532i. And me: 1989 E30 316i > ? JP, With our E36 Import, The discs had to be replaced due to warping (not E36 only though I guess) the whole car broke down once (wouldn't start) and was in BMW for a month, cost us $3500 to repair that fault, the shock mounts were knackered.. etc etc. In my family's experience (This is only one vehicle and yes a pre-95, all factors to be considered here) I would advise against buying an import. But then again there are many Import cutomers here that would say the oposite. Up to you... good luck!
  17. My point exactly! Sam I'm fully keen on a BMW Single for my E30. Is there any custom fabrication that you need to do or wires for the E36 > E30 changeover? I'm fully keen for a Biz single, but if it requires too much fabrication i'll just buy an iPod tape adapter
  18. Gosh the New Plymouth bunch are a well spoken lot aren't ya's, Loving the effort put into the description. Like Will said its a great base to start off with, just don't rice it tooo much Cheers Em
  19. Rog = Jazzbass Denny Crane = Sam aka Cilk Wurm aka S[argo (Spargo most recently) BMW Power = Emma (Just with the OWER in small caps)
  20. No Sam.... Noooo... wrong pwning I didn't consider your post "What shes smoking".. I know what you're saying.. Its just the way her cheek bones are... they're like.. high.. and her face sags off a bit more than usual.. Hence the drug addict comment. God.. you must think I'm 15 or something... Im not dumb.. much.
  21. My Mums E39 Holds 1st and 2nd as you said, especially up hills. Its been into BMW a few times but shes just learnt to live with it. And sometimes while I'm sitting in her car while its off, I've noticed this buzzing too. Never told Mum because the car still runs and it'd freak her out. Sorry can't tell you what to do other than see BMW about it, but at least you know you're not alone.
  22. Shes not that hot, for one she looks like a drug addict!
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