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Posts posted by wolliver

  1. On the f/l it's simply the two wop bolts, then remove the bracket, plus undo both top and bottom pipes, expansion tank pipe and temp sensor and it just ifts out.

    Is it auto?? Will also have pipes for auto trans.

    Make sure it's not just catching on a belt.

    how do u remove the auto trans pipes?

    everything else is off

  2. But that still doesnt give you the right to be difficult does it? Typical NZ blame culture....its always someone elses fault....'the last guy gave you grief so that means I can aswell'.

    When are people going to grow up and take responsibility for their OWN actions? Its what you do as an INDIVIDUAL that counts.

    In order to GET respect you have to SHOW respect. Some people GET respect without question and one of them is the police. You give them grief and as far as Im concerned you deserve all you get.

    Ive been pulled over several times, twice because the WOF had run out (to be fair it was the wifes car on both occasions so I didnt know, and it was only a couple of days) but you dont get lippy you accept what they have to say because you are in the wrong.

    I explained the situation and assured them it would be sorted straight away and that was the end of it.

    i understand wat ur sayin but its hard to show respect wen just because i hav 'big rims and dark tints' cops treat me like im a lil a-hole befor he has even askd me for my lisence

  3. Probably not. The types that instigated this particular law rehash would have no interest in doing what they do in a controlled environment. Its the lack of control, the drinking, the unsafeness, and illegality that is the attraction more so than the act of doing a burnout. Although I support the creation of such places (as I would possibly use them myself), I do not think it would fix the problem.

    imo this would help distinguish between the responsible and the iresposible... most of the 'boy racers' i socialise with dream of a skid pad to be able to let rip and smoke 'em up, this also gives them a chance to meet up and check out every1s cars and show off your own.... thats wat the auckland city drags are bascily anyway lol, they want to do this legally with out having to worry about any police, as for the drinking side of things the drivers arnt usually drinking, if the car smells of alcohol its always the passengers imo

    and those that still continue to do all this on the streets are the iresponsible ones... these are the ones police need to crack down on, need to fine and impound their cars

  4. I wouldn't get less than 35%. I have seen numerous times people pulled over and cops making them rip their tints off then and there.

    35% and be done with it -_-

    lol are u serious? they make u rip them off right there on the spot? :o

  5. Not the battery cables or starter solenoid overheating is it? Seen that kind of thing before on other vehicles (fine when cold, don't like turning over when hot - admitedly it was in California in summer so it was reasonably hot).

    yes!!! yes that is exactly wat it is... how do u fix it?
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