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Everything posted by OLLIE

  1. hot. it's on the shopping list with my pershing 115 power yacht
  2. OLLIE

    Transformers 2

    don't make me do an E30 one!
  3. yeah i've got a nexstar case, they good, i got it because it had firewire, which i don't really use. haha. but why buy a 120GB drive? i'd fill it up in a couple of days
  4. doesn't really matter where you get it from. unless you are buying large quantities the amount you'll save will never cover the cost of the amount of time you pissed around trying to find the best price. I commend those who have chosen a dealer and stuck with them for their good service, most places offer an incremental discount if you buy lots of stuff from them.
  5. OLLIE


    the top shock mounts cause more of a knocking sound than a creaking sound. a creaking sound is more like worn shocks or something.
  6. Welcome, sounds like a nice car. put some pics up. as to whether it is a motorsport or not is subject to much debate and the answer is what defines a motorsport model other than it left the factory with the m badge on the boot and some motorsport options.
  7. cables come with the enclosures.2.5" (small) enclosures come with a USB cable that has 2 connectors one for data and power and an extra one for extra power if you need it
  8. most storage possible = a 3.5" drive which needs to be self powered, buy yourself a hard drive enclosure and then buy yourself a HDD seperately, I've found that Seagate Barracudas seem to be pretty good. With hard drives you can get bad batches and there is nothing you can do about it except cross your fingers that yours is fine! Alternatively you can buy a 2.5" drive (a notebook drive) and same story - get a case for it. They are more expensive and i think the biggest you can get realistically is 160 GB. set yourself a budget and go to www.pricespy.co.nz to find the best prices. a suggestion is to buy the case and the drive seperately, if your drive stuffs up some wankers will see that it was used as a portable and say that you dropped it, if you buy them seperately there is not that suspicion.
  9. why does it have to be FWD? it's just wrong!
  10. E36 touring too ugly?
  11. dangerous! reminds me of this audi drift, pretty funny click here
  12. I think thats the fuel filler tube dude. nice kit alright though!
  13. OLLIE

    Seriously WTF

    WTF explain!?!?!?!
  14. haha was just winding you up, i voted for pagani anyway. people still deserve to choose for themselves though right? most of them are pretty bad though aye, especially the one thats leading, ugh.
  15. don't need photos, have met half of them in person, Johanna (miss sublimenz) FTW
  16. gus just hopes your getting in on that, fair enough comment.vote for miss sublimenz she's the business
  17. OLLIE

    Alarm Installation

    because it's in the sponsors section
  18. http://www.tv3.co.nz/VideoBrowseAll/ScienceTechnologyVideo/tabid/311/articleID/30482/Default.aspx#video http://www.tv3.co.nz/tabid/0/articleID/30482/Default.aspx#video' title="audio"> A British teenager who recorded himself doing 209kmph in his father's sports car so he could put the pictures on YouTube has been jailed for four months.His stunt was first spotted by an off-duty policeman in Lancashire and later seen on the internet site. He filmed himself on his cell phone doing almost twice the legal speed limit. But the bravado is not confined to Britain YouTube is full of clips of illegal driving from all over the world, including New Zealanders flouting our own road rules. Police say to mount a successful traffic prosecution they would have to have video evidence that put the offence in context, including a shot of the speedometer, the location, and the person behind the wheel. YouTube clips seldom have all three.
  19. every time I see the M3 i think why did they choose that colour to launch it?! I'm with bravo on this one, wanted to pick the merc because the M3 is so bland, but the merc didn't do too much for me either
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