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Everything posted by nipe

  1. What conditions are the bearings?
  2. nipe

    WTB: forkd m20

    Will pm you guys after work, got a guy with some bits, so will see what i'm missing after that.
  3. Could you post pictures please, depending on what they are I'm keen, from description it sounds like they are the ones I'm after. Thanks
  4. nipe

    WTB: forkd m20

    Guys, who has a forkd m20 lying around? Need a facelift one, failing that who has any small bits for m20 lying around? Need a few, so let me know if you have any and then I can pm you the list. Thanks:)
  5. nipe

    E30 Carpet

    I would be keen for a good carpet too actually, I'm in Christchurch though. Sorry for thread hijacking:)
  6. nipe

    WTB: m40b16/18 sump

    Can't justify the cost through ray, and jono didn't reply on my pm, might just try jb weld stuff and see if it works
  7. nipe

    WTB: m40b16/18 sump

    ok, thanks, will keep in mind, could you also pm me the price? I might just go with your offer depending on the price. Thanks:)
  8. nipe

    WTB: m40b16/18 sump

    Oh yep, thanks Andy:)
  9. as above, after a e30 m40b16/18 sump thanks:)
  10. Thanks man, will try to organise that.
  11. 2nd hand. please let me know when you find them
  12. After a set of 6 intake valves for 885 head m20. Let me know what you got.
  13. nipe

    Speeders fight back

    That was one EPIC FAIL hahahahahaha
  14. nipe

    My Hell Red Beast

    ooops my bad, didn't notice the bolts first...
  15. nipe

    My Hell Red Beast

    Beautiful car! A bit off-topic though, what wheels are these?
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