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Everything posted by Grant

  1. I thought that he was born with the 10 gallon hat on, and that is was unable to be separated from his head...Do you mean to say that it is an accessory?
  2. Is that a statement of pride or shame?Just kidding, also hangovers at work are not much fun.
  3. Grant


    That is not actually hard to believe.
  4. Sorry to hear that man, that really sucks. Cheers
  5. Grant


    Yeah Grant I've got one, I'll put it aside for you Cool, thanks.PM me with your number again (sorry I lost it), so I can arrange to pick it up. Thanks Greame. Cheers
  6. There are no articles on the site - except the one feature car - of members cars only. I am writing an article for Dixi and the website on the recent Coast to Coast Run.If you plan on writing an article, maybe check with Annette Wakelin (Dixi editor for BMWCC) first. Cheers
  7. looks a bit Jaguar'ish to me. Bring back the round double headlights.
  8. Grant

    1988 E30 M3

    Here is the URL: http://www.autopoint.co.nz/marketplace/Use...o=1&chkRows=500
  9. Grant

    1988 E30 M3

    My thought exactly, also what about when it comes to insurance. What happens when the person has an accident, and the insurance assessor investigates???Cheers
  10. Yeah, I was chasing Andy, who was behind the 3.0csi, with no-one near us at that point.
  11. I'd like to point out, in Carl's defence with regard the tri-spoke comment, that this was in response to something Blair had said earlier about tri-spokes on BMW's, and not intended to be pointed at Damien's car at all. Cheers
  12. We've been through this issue 100 times before, lets not start it again.*Sic has a Honda, it is a great car, not only that he knows a lot of sh*t about a lot of sh*t, and is also good at keeping the forum on the straight and narrow. Cheers
  13. I'll back that up too, now that I have seen *Sic's car in real life, I can confirm that it is an amazing car, puts most of ours to shame. Go the Bottlecaps!!! Cheers
  14. Yeah, it looks bent in that photo, but I just checked and it is pretty straight in real life. Must be an optical illusion.And, things are all good, no bad feeling towards BS by the BMWCC. As Andy said, forums such as this doesn't fit well with the BMWCC, and fair enough, there is some rubbish on here, that can't be supported in any official capacity, especially when the BMWCC relies on BMW NZ for support. Andy and I have foot in both camps anyway. Andy is the webmaster for the BMWCC now, and I am on the national committee, and wil be looking after the club library. Cheers
  15. I'm saying go the '02, these are awesome, and all about what BMW really is, a drivers car. Good luck, sounds like a good plan. Cheers
  16. I can verify this having seen Gus's car from when he first bought it to now. You would not believe it was the same car.He has turned it from basically a crappy rice piece of junk (with bits and pieces missing) into a nice, good condition close to standard E30 325i. Cheers
  17. The evidence of Gus's misdirected golf shot. Super effort that one.
  18. A sight to behold, a street full of Bimmers. There was a great range from our small E30's to Milan's big 7 series.
  19. The Bimmersport E30 lineup at the start (Okahu Bay, on Auckland's East Coast). Mine, Gus's and Andy's
  20. Hitting the west coast (after starting on the east coast), me in hot pursuit of Andy, who was chasing the 3.0sci. Luckily we could stop up here and let our brakes cool down. Nice twisty parts to get to here, with the occassional tyre squeal.
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