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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Ryan, don't worry, we've all been through it.Cheers
  2. Grant


    In most cases they are... But Grant has a bit of a "cobbled together" E30. Might have been on that Japa E30's got them instead of normal smileys.But usually non sniley ellips = 88. The shell and running gear of mine is standard (and not cobbled together), just the engine, transmission, diff, and steering wheel are not original (and soon to be suspension).Oh, bits that have broken and have been replaced are not original either (but have been replaced with normal replacement parts). Also my old 1990 E30 320i auto also had non-smiley ellipsoids, and it was 100% original, non cobbled together car (until a friend I left it with in Hamilton after moving to Auckland got hit and it was written off). Cheers
  3. Grant


    My car has non-smiley ellipsoids, and it was manufactured in October 1990.Cheers
  4. Grant


    Greame Just out of interest (unfortunately as I have no where to store cars, or too many parts), what does a wrecked car like that go for? Is it a 320i? Cheers
  5. if there is nothing wrong with the existing one, then why replace it. Also Ryan, a bit of free advice, if you are running low on money, and have only got $7 for petrol, maybe you should keep the money you would spend on lowering and tinted windows for a rainy day, when the next thing goes wrong (and I can assure you something else will go wrong soon enough). If there is one thing I have learned from 5 years of E30 ownership, is that something is always about to break, or breakdown (the ownership cost of an older car). Cheers
  6. Yeah, I can't see why they don't respond. Surely they must realise that they are losing a lot of potential customers. It is a bot stupid really, oh well their loss. Cheers
  7. Grant

    my ride

    That is good news Ryan, awesome.Now all you need are those elusive two bottlecaps. Cheers
  8. That does not sound right - I'd send him another email threatening to report him to the Trademe admins. If you don't hear back by tomorrow, then report him to the Trademe admins, they will put a note on his feedback, also post a comment on his feedback too. You haven't paid for it yet have you? Cheers
  9. Get back on topic, it you want to talk crap, use the right forum. Cheers
  10. Shocks and springs are now ordered. Turner Motorsports have been excellent to deal with to date, the same of which can't be said of Shox.com, and expecially Bav Auto (who didn't even bother reply to my numerous requests of prices etc). Cheers
  11. Grant

    Front Shock Sizes

    I think that the chances of getting shafted are pretty slim, they have been excellent to deal with, and have been most helpful. Good price too, all up under $1,000NZ for Bilstein Sports shocks, and H&R Sports Springs (with a 30mm drop). I hate crap sacked out cars, and this is a good sized drop. (as are the Jamex 40mm ones, which would have been my next choice of springs). Cheers
  12. and the BMW Buyers Guide book.Cheers
  13. Grant

    Front Shock Sizes

    I was able to measure mine last night. I have 45mm ones (as the body is a 1990 320i one). The suspension has been ordered, and should be arriving at where I am staying in California in about a week. Cheers
  14. Come on guys, someone must have two spare bottlecaps around for Ryan. I have donated two to him, someone must be able to donate another two, one of you who have replaced the bottlecaps with chromies, must have some lying around. Cheers
  15. Grant

    1988 E30 M3

    Grant and I have had an e-wank over it, but:It's LHD (good) It's unable to be registered till 2011, and even then it needs to be exported and re imported It's not got side skirts (dodge) It's clearly had a respray (non factory colour) It's a US M3, not a Euro (even E30 M3's were neutered in the US) Front is sagging Chrome around windows (why) No history, and i'll bet it's been abused as a red headed step child. Still makes me want it (7 year restoration = Sport Evo replica) It also says that it is a 1990, and the guy swears it is one.However, I got hold of the VIN Number, and the EPC says that it is a 1988 car. It just doesn't add up. Cheers
  16. Grant

    Foot pedal rubbers

    Just go to the dealer, they are only a few dollars each ($8 from memory). Cheers
  17. Grant

    Front Shock Sizes

    Cheers Carl.I'll PM Glenn, and ask him to measure the diameter of your old shocks. Cheers
  18. Hello Does anyone here have a Japanese import facelift (1990ish) E30 320i 4 door. Why, you ask? I need to know the diameter of the front shocks. Apparantly E30's have two different diameters of front shocks. Apparantly, the only way to tell is to remove one shock and measure it (which means a lot of shagging around and getting another wheel alignment etc), so am hoping that someone here, may know the answer to this or have replaced their front shocks and know which diameter ones they needed. I just don't want to order the wrong sized ones. Cheers
  19. I am changing my ECU from the Motronic one that I have to a Link one early next year, so a chip would not be much use (I need an aftermarket programmable ECU for my car to run properly with its hybrid engine). Korman's seem pretty good too, they advertise pretty heavily in Roundel. Yeah, I can only find very positive things said about Turner Motorsports. Cheers
  20. I will be in CA in 3 weeks time on holiday.I am getting Bilstein Sport Suspension, and H&R Sports springs for $950 NZ. I have approached BNT (and others in NZ), and the best deal I could get for the same was $1,600. Cheers
  21. Dennis, cheers for that.Where have you been? I thought you had disappeared. Cheers
  22. www.turnermotorsport.com
  23. Hi There I doubt anyone here will be able to be of any help, but here goes. I have finally found a Bilstein and H&R stockist in the USA that have no problems wityh accepting a credit card from New Zealand, and make a big deal about me ordering stuff from here and delivering it to an address in California. Has anybody read/heard anything about Turner Motorsports? I realise that they are a large well established seller of BMW parts, but want to make sure that I will get what I order, when I want it to be delivered (i.e. when I am over there on holiday in three weeks). Cheers
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