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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Grant

    A goddamn 80's 6er

    That is not a standard 635csi interior, that has been greatly improved.Cheers
  2. ahh yes, and $1.00 was a real note too, not a small coin.
  3. Yeah, definately post, and Andrew, can you make them a sticky. Cheers
  4. I'm sure you know what I meant, a small Japenese or Korean car designed for economical running.Cheers
  5. As I have mentioned before, the new BMWCC site is all class. Well done Andrew and Dave, it is a great effort, and I know that everyone will be absolutely rapt with your efforts. Cheers
  6. Thats the spirit...Fight the Power and all that.Seriously, New Zealand does have relatively cheap petrol prices, if you don't like it, but a 1300cc pos. I have no issue with the price, however I thing that a greater proportion of the government takings via taxation should be directed at improving the main highway network. Hell, i'd be happy if the prices were 10c a litre more, if that 10c went towards improving the roading network. Cheers
  7. Grant

    my wagon

    Looks very nice and tidy. Did it come shadowlined (the chrome around the windows painted black) or did you do that? If you did it, how did you do it? Paint or vinyl? What size are the wheels on it? Are you going to sell them? Cheers
  8. Grant

    Better 316i pics!!

    You can talk...I've seen a very shiny white E30 at your place more than once
  9. Grant

    Better 316i pics!!

    Looks very nice and tidy. Don't go ruining it with chopped springs, chromies and a big bore exhaust. Cheers
  10. Yup, I'll be there, sent my entry in a week or so ago.And that is definately me in the background, I remember it well, between you and me (and out of photo) is a silver 2002. As I remember we were all being held up by a red E34 driven by a lady who was rather (understandable in the conditions) cautious in her driving. Cheers
  11. SamThe C2 2.7 does use the Motronic ECU. The B6 2.8 used the L-jet. I'll try and scan in the articles and get them to you (probably not today or tomorrow though, work pretty hectic). Cheers
  12. Grant

    M TECH II ???

    It would appear that it is an M-Tec II kit. However it doesn't have the M-Tec II rear spoiler. Cheers
  13. Where was that photo taken? Not the BMWCC Driver Training in Taupo earlier this year was it? If so, then the E30 in the background is me. Cheers
  14. Also, one of the video tapes is the full Nissan Mobil 500 race from 1991. The E30 M3's were awesome. Left everything else in their dust (except Brock in his Commodore). Cheers
  15. are you a member?They have haynes manuals. There are some Haynes manuals as well as some BMW AG service manuals, but not for the E30.However I have a Haynes E30 repair manual, and I know that Andrew has the much better Bentley one, so if there is something you are after, I'm sure we can help. Cheers
  16. No luck on that sorry.Cheers
  17. SamOne E30 book has a couple of articles on the B6 2.8, and also the C2 2.7. It also has an article on the Hartge H35. All very good Also an article on the MK Motorsport 2.7 E30. Cheers
  18. Grant

    316 performance

    Sorry, I know that this is OT, but Bair, tell me more about the track, i.e. how long is it. I like the idea of it. Cheers
  19. Hi All I am the librarian for the BMW CC. I went and picked up the books etc yesterday (4 boxes of them). There is so much good stuff there, it is awesome. It also has about 10 years of Roundel Magazines as part of it...oh yeahhh. Cheers
  20. Grant


    I second that.Get a trolley jack, the only way to go. Cheers
  21. Grant

    My E36 318i

    Aint hindsight a wonderful thing. Yes the All Blacks did play terribly and struggled to win. But a wins a win.Also, sorry, I'm sure I read that you called Jade Stadium the home of rugby. I must have been seeing things. But to me the home of rugby will be the old Rugby Park in Hamilton, despite the stupid whinging Pom's inventing the game at some poncy public school about 1 million years ago. Cheers
  22. I agree, technically my E30 is a 320iACheers
  23. Welcome to the site. I think you'll find it useful. Cheers
  24. Grant

    My E36 318i

    I think that the AB's will easily hold out the Boks. I'm sure the Boks will really struggle with the conditions, and the cold conditions.I must correct you one one point though. The home of rugby is the old Rugby Park in Hamilton (before they ruined it with Waikato Stadium). Should be a great game none the less, the Boks are playing well for a change. Cheers
  25. Grant


    Now thats an image I could have done without on a Friday afternoon.
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