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Everything posted by antil33t

  1. Happy birthday DirtyDevil! Do a FWD skid and hand brakie.
  2. the plastic bung snapped in the radiator lol, I drilled it out and put in a metal bolt with some thread tape, doesn't quite work that well
  3. antil33t


    Did you have the very expensive ones and not use a headphone amp? You're the first person I've heard say they sound like crap
  4. Hmm, no I seem to never think of Gavin. I'll ring him hopefully tomorrow...
  5. http://www.realoem.com/bmw/showparts.do?mo...hg=17&fg=05 Part 2. Dealer wanted 25+GST hahah.
  6. Place I said has some wrecked cars. Was a E38 in there today when I was there.
  7. antil33t

    E30 Project

    But isn't the M52 so much harder to do (electrically) without going OBD1 or Stand-a-lone?
  8. My Magna does that, I think it's the ball joint.
  9. Welcome Josh. European Auto Services. There's another one aswell, but I forget it's name. more than enough information on here mate, might help to specify what parts you need. and POST PICTURES!!!!
  10. Ring mainfreight. I said my M20B25 was around 120kg... (I think they're alot more than that though :0) and pallet size + height of engine standing up.
  11. I'd love to be part of something like this. Looks EPIC.
  12. Doesn't not allowing your child to do things = teaching? Sorry if my statement seemed "ignorant and stupid" but It wasn't aimed to be that way.
  13. So, if your kid was right in front of you. and they tried to cross the road, you wouldn't stop them? That's what I meant, parents standing right there, kid just runs.
  14. antil33t


    +1 for Sennheisers. I had some MX450 and then some MX550's. *earbuds* much better than apple ones. and not white. <.<
  15. Only people that own X5's can afford to shop there
  16. antil33t


    Did the applefag spill his herbal tea on it?
  17. I'm sorry but I don't believe any warrant place should be inferior or superior, they should all be as strict as each other. there are more than enough POS cars on the road as it is. In my greatest opinion, WOF's aren't strict enough. I like it when the WOF guy goes, your brake pads are stuffed, and they actually are, and I replace them. sorted. Means my car is SAFE.
  18. There are no parent carparks in Dunedin supermarkets(at the main few anyway) The ones in Invercargill say "New or Expectant Mothers" not parents with few year old children. Parents should teach their children to not run infront of f**king cars, that's a real no-brainer there.. The amount of times I've seen stupid kids not watch when crossing the road. Or simply, don't ever take your car out of the garage, and order all your food on the internet. Ps, f**k this forum is filled with some angry f**kers. bahahaha.
  19. I kept this picture incase I got back to my car and found damage, I did get back to my car, and found the owner packing a huge f**king tanty at me for parking so close to "his" car.
  20. antil33t


    My mate just bought one today. What a waste of money.
  21. I guess it works that way too, I reckon if I was buying a Brand New BMW, I'd probably tick that option myself. I think the back looks cleaner with just a roundel, and no badging.
  22. That cars going to have enough forward motion to blast it's way through the gates of hell.
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