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About ben_d

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 10/30/1982

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Ben Doughney
  • Location
    West Auckland
  • Car
    e24 628csi
  • Car 2
    many other non bmws

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  1. Radiator hoses and ECU for sale- the hoses suit a variety of M30 engined BMW's I ordered them for my e24 and they didn't fit so have sat around in my shed for a while and I no longer have a BMW, time to have a clean out. Genuine BMW 11 53 1 266 462 lower radiator hose- suits BMW e12 528i, 530i, e24 630csi, 633csi - $40 Genuine BMW 11 53 1 711 006 upper radiator hose- suits BMW e28 525i, 528i - $40 Genuine BMW 11 53 1 276 647 upper radiator hose- suits BMW e28 533i, 535i, e24 633csi, 635csi - $40 ECU Bosch 0 280 001 300 - suits BMW e23 728i, e24 628csi, e28 525i, 528i - $50 Happy to package and send anywhere in NZ at your cost. Edit- location is West Auckland.
  2. 3 spoke, non-airbag steering wheel, I believe it is from an e36 (possibly also a late e34??). BMW part number 11590659. Leather is in good condition, needs a good clean after sitting in my shed for many years. Pickup in West Auckland, $20.
  3. Have you checked with Galbraith Sheetmetals on Railside Ave, Henderson?
  4. When the alternator regulator died in my e24 I replaced it with a 14.7 volt one, that really helped to keep the calcium battery charged properly. Before that I would have to put it on the charger every couple of weeks or so to keep it topped up even with a 100km daily commute.
  5. ben_d

    Quick Questions

    Hi all, does anyone know what the part number is for a clutch slave cylinder to suit a Getrag 262 4 speed out of an e12? I have one fitted to my 628csi, but I am not sure what year it was out of so I can't search on realoem. Cheers, Ben.
  6. Reg on hold, should pass a WOF. If I get it fixed this weekend I will get a WOF and reg for it, but of course price will go up.
  7. It did drive fine, the gearbox had been serviced by the previous owner before I got it, engine runs well. I replaced the radiator as it had a cracked hose fitting on the plastic tank. Hopefully I might get a chance to replace the seal this weekend. The battery is on charge at the moment, but I am not sure if it will charge up or not.
  8. If anyone is interested in having a look, please give me a call on (021) 259 9837. Cheers, Ben.
  9. Hi all, I won an auction for another car on TradeMe last night, and I will get in BIG trouble if I don't sell one! I have a '92 740i with some Hartge mods on it. Apparently this was Jerry Claytons own drive car when it was new, and he had Guido (his service manager at the time) fit the lowered suspension, Hartge 16" alloys and do some fiddling with the engine management to get more power out of it (this is the story I was told by the previous owner). I have all of the service history from new, it was serviced first by Jerry Clayton BMW, then later on by Locher European / BMWorkshop. Has a sunroof, towbar and all of the other goodies usually fitted to the top end models. It has done just under 200,000km, interior is in good condition; grey leather, outside needs a good wash. The car has been sitting for a while because it has an ATF leak out of the transmission output shaft seal, I think. I haven't had it up on the hoist to have a good look where it is coming from- the leak is at the rear end of the gearbox. I keep buying cars instead of fixing the ones I have got! The battery has died since it has been sitting, so it will probably need a new one. I am looking for offers around $2000, but I need to move it quick so make me an offer! These pics are from TradeMe when I bought it so are a few years old now, the car still looks the same, just a bit dirty. [attachm ent=35029:74309358_full.jpg]
  10. ben_d

    e30 325i for Sale

    I better not since it has reached reserve. You may end up with a bargain though- it will be interesting to see how the bidding goes. Cheers, Ben.
  11. ben_d

    e30 325i for Sale

    Now on TradeMe with a $1 reserve! Get yourself a present for Christmas. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=339695084
  12. ben_d

    e30 325i for Sale

    Sorry to those who replied- I haven't had a spare weekend for a while. I do have this weekend free though, if you want to have a look at the car, please give me a ring on (021) 259 9837. I am open to offers as I need the space! ;-) Cheers, Ben.
  13. ben_d

    e30 325i for Sale

    It is hard to get in there to take more pics, it is in the back corner of my shed. You are welcome to come and have a look though- I will give you a ring.
  14. ben_d

    e30 325i for Sale

    I have had a bit of a cleanup in the shed and have taken some better pictures now. Anyone interested before I put it on TradeMe?
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