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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. they only float my boat on trucks. where they look tits.
  2. at uni at the moment training to be an airline manger, doing a degree in aviation management. also have an option to go into air crash investigation if i want. so in 5 years i will be CEO of Singapore Airlines. yes thats right. :finger: when i left school, trained to be a kiwifruit forklift driver then moved onto trucks. I it has taken me 2 years to be fully licenced that is class 2,3,4, and 5. Which as most of you know i still am a truck driver. :mosh: While i have my dangerous goods and forklift endorcements.
  3. i cant see a penis. but i can see a cock bulge.
  4. :puke: thats so low resorting to that. reminds me of dodgeball and the L&P ad.
  5. if you grap my cds from andy i will swap you for gus's race tape.
  6. thats why i get my monster to jizz
  7. lol, when home dawg & sic'em came to my place yesterday to install his CAI on k9. We had to use the rangi jungle tape to seal the CAI up. sorry gus, i will get that tape back to ya!!!
  8. arrr put it away. noooooooooooooooooooooooo help me im blind
  9. the last time i let my GF drive, i couldnt stop laughing as every corner we went round the wind screen wipers came on. After dozens of times telling her everything is on the otherside she still does it. It was like your short term memory isnt very good aye? and your trying to become a vet??? then it was like arr i hate your car, bah bah bah, im not going to drive it again. and i was like, no my heart attacks for me. score!!! she has her own car to drive.
  10. very cool, i soooo want one.
  11. yep, i know. i was whoring them last night around the mount.
  12. What a bloody good idea! You lot are quite a bunch of brainys understatement of the year!!!!
  13. i always note down the km b4 leaving with it with anyone. then i can charge them fuel costs when i get my car back.
  14. Newspaper clipping Truck overturns 24 March 2005 By TINA NASH A truck-and-trailer unit flipped over at the corner of Tremaine Avenue and Railway Road at about 7am today, causing traffic delays. Detective Sergeant Tim Moffatt said it appears the truck clipped a car before overturning outside the Gull Service Station. There were no injuries reported. Traffic was held up while the truck was cleared from the road. gus: can you drop those cds of mine at plaster systems, plz
  15. well i was going around aroundabout turning right, so i was going right round. things to consider, the trailer has 10,000kgs of wool on board. that is 60 bails of wool. tare weight of the trailer is about 7,000kgs. now, 10+7= 17ton all up.The round about was a one lane and small, about the size of east coast bay one. but with 4 roads coming off it. the axle configuration of the trailer was 1 at the front and 2 at the back. see pic. when i was going round the rear alxe set hit the inside of the roundabout, which has a big lip on it. that plus the negative camber on the road, plus my speed of 5km/h and the high COG of the trailer were all factors in the roll over. I have been talking to one of my trucking mates and he said i should have a letter in the mail from the pol pol and appear in court in about 5months. but im covered as im apart of the union and they have high up lawers to get me off it. sweet. Things to remember: it was just the trailer that rolled. nobody was hurt. i didnt not hit a car only took out a lamppost. i will post up the newpaper article soon. the only thing that got hurt was my ego.
  16. i didnt know i post stuff with out being on the computer. who the f**k posted that???? i think i will make sum late night vist's. I know where you live :rambo: blair, last night helped soo much cam, your boss has a pic of the trailer on its side. on his phone, try and get that!
  17. bumpstop325

    Clutch Death

    carl is the expert diff swaper. just about everytime i talk to him, carl:i got so and so diff in now. tim:what happend to the last one? carl:i blew it up tim:f**ken dumbarse but seriously, carl is the man to see, he could whip one out and replace it in another hour or so. just like me and g/b swaps. done it x amount of times.
  18. bumpstop325

    Clutch Death

    carl, try the BEN site. www.bmwe30.net and post a question in the tech forum
  19. for real??? must be a rent-a-cop or something. i didnt know the police budget was that tight. thinking about a unforunate incident involving a model last year in aux
  20. hmmmm, come to think about it, water + wake board + homy & sic = tims entertainment for the weekend. dan, when you pic your CAI off me bring your wakeboard with ya!!!!
  21. looking good man, just looking at the colour for afew mins it is really growing on me. nice job, good choice :thumb:
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