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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. nothing like drama doing a manual swap. i have had my fair share. today i was going to take some pics of the car that tanes gb came out of. but it has since disappeared. abby, you would have been better off taking to someone who know what they are doing.........eg. me not gus. you would have still saved a sh*t load of money. even if you do have to drive down to pamly. let this be a lesson to anyone. manual swap, think TIM also carl, tane dont forget some of the cost of the conversion was preventitive maintance=save money later on. like i have decsided to buy new engine mounts instead of 2nd ones. as i will be drag racing again& i dont want to same thing to happen.
  2. yeah bro, im coming up to napier this wknd, for the same reason as last time i will bring them with me
  3. can you email then to me please [email protected] Thanks
  4. nice abby, come down to palmy and i will put a 5spd in it for you. i have already done 4. mine carls matts tane abby????
  5. i will wire it up for you bro. like i did carls car. it will take half n hour max
  6. you were suppose to charge the battery each time you did it. but number 6 should be more round 170 if you did that
  7. i have 325 stock springs $20 325 tappet cover $10 325 auto g/b 145kms(history) $400 320 auto g/b 105kms $200 m10 injected motor done 200,000kms $100 bar, starter motor and alternator only approx prices.
  8. to do that, gmccormack will need to drop off all the stuff, at the Auckland Roadfreighters depot in Wiri(sorry i dont have a street name). It will need to be boxed or wrapped of some sort. if he is prepared to do that, then i will give him some futher instructions for labelling. Also i need to inform my boss that they will be arriving. oh and Tui :thumb: TIM, EVLBMR
  9. i can hook you up with fr8. cost you 2 doz
  10. you need to fix your car first, like make it start,
  11. pics? i might know some one. more info aswell. please? type of mags, tread, service, s/f,e/w
  12. what are they wanting for all those goodies?
  13. not pimp but player. they are a bit too heavy for my liking, needs to be sacked. oh and auto but def, l like it.
  14. i like that, i want one. stick a s14 engine in it
  15. as i was thinking. warm the car up alittle before hand so it wont be dead cold when you start driving it. only if you do, own a rotor engined car. Most of them need to be warmed up for at least 10-15min before you drive it or you rish blowing oil and water seals. plus, its better leaving the car locked and while warming it up, instead of leaving it unlocked and running ready for the m,inute you turn your back so someone can steal it.
  16. and one on the front...it would look tits!!!
  17. i think is more like when the car starts in gear and kills a person then you will get done. i think no body will care up untill somthing happensyou will prop get done for manslaughter(sp) or causing death with a weapon.
  18. after seeing what they did to that hilux on top gear i think i might get myself one. i know at least if i happen to get caught in an in coming tide i can drive away. also new top gear eps.
  19. offramp motorway barriers????
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