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Posts posted by dirtydoogle

  1. What if you pull a chick and then your car gets stolen/burnt/hit by a bus etc. Do said vehicularly inclined strumpets then leave you? Get a bike, slay them in a bush and you are the good chap by leaving and not breaking said strumpets heart, or leading them on. It's morally correct.

    Good choice BTW.

  2. Thanks to all the c**ts who said my car was a POS id love to see your car when you were 18. prob dint have a set of 2000 18z on it.. nah so GF

    Hey I gave honest advice too :lol::P

    When I was 16 I owned a 650cc bike and peeled an 11.8@112mph, does that count? I also have plenty of experience with GSRs [sad to admit that, I'm taking an un-biased view though] and have recently been wistness to 16psi+no tuning=bent rod

    I liekt eh swap- sell -roll in full on yummy E46 and get some snickity snatch [is that how we say it?]

    I'm going back to my carburettor now with my 3 speed auto.

  3. GSR = Work. The factory 4g93 series one such as that one will throw rods if thrashed, eat bottom end bearings if thrased, panel gaps don't line up if thrashed [Launching twists their body]

    Check to see if the roof skin has been replaced, they ALL rust through the spot welds, mega expensive and hard job to do. They eat clutches etc etc.

    You get bored of them very quickly, my older brother purchased an immaculate 96 CM5A GSR in Taupo a few years back, he was bored within two weeks and I got to drive his E36 325i around. We both agreed the E36 was a nicer car to drive, better on gas and far more fun and more reliable, put 70,000km on the E36 with only one problem, fuel pump. Gsr is a ticking prick, ProMar mlb8 does help, for a while....but ideally you need aftermarket lifters with the larger oil feeds.

    Another thing to look for in terms of body kits, if it's fiberglass check the bonnet, it may crack, or seperate.

    GSR's are not "quick" as per se, nor are 328i, throw them both down the quarter and they are fairly even.

    From a non-biased point of view, haveing driven many examples of both, the 328i is a nicer car and easier to live with.

    Drive both, weigh up the pro's and cons and do what you want, just make sure you are informed of all the problems with both cars.

    Chur, do a skid [not too easy in a GSR]

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