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About vtgts300kw

  • Rank
    3rd Gear
  • Birthday 11/10/1986

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  • Car
    1988 325i Touring
  • Car 2
    2003 325i Touring

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  1. You're not wrong. The only E30 a painted grill work on, and even then, only jjjuuusssstttt.
  2. yeah. Probably the the white with black/carbon accents 675LT that's driving around.
  3. CH look good. These are 19's though.
  4. There is another NZ new red one in Auckland. 2001 with similar km's.
  5. At the launch of the car they actually made a big song and dance about this. Got attendees to walk around the car with a magnet, finding which panels were metal etc. Saving weight and all that...
  6. Penrite HPR5 is currently $60 odd bucks at SCA.
  7. Lovely. Do you know who did the conversion? You bought it out of the Wellington area correct?
  8. 538 can be legit though? I've gotten texts from a real estate agent through that number ( to book a viewing time ).
  9. It's probably this? http://realoem.com/bmw/enUS/part?id=AG52-EUR---E30-BMW-325i&mg=51&sg=15&diagId=51_0656&q=51112239708
  10. Jesus, thats ludicrous. No way am I paying $200 per side for a strip of plastic! Looks like the racks will be going back on. Thanks for getting back to me.
  11. From what I've seen, they were standard, but there was the option to delete them, at least overseas.
  12. Great thanks. Figured I'd have to go overseas.
  13. Your car has the roof rails too. I need the roof molding pieces from a car spec'd without these.
  14. I've removed the rails on my E46, but am left with holes in the plastic roof molding, where the mounting brackets poke through. Does anybody have the body trim for cars spec'd without the rails? Will have to use tape in the interim.
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