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Everything posted by MLee

  1. Dealership can't get them. I suppose the E36's are showing their age. If anyone has one in good nick that they don't mind parting with please let me know.
  2. MLee

    1993 E36 M3

    And another: http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-711561747.htm
  3. Spotted this on trademeister: http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-711141457.htm I like it. Someone should buy it and look after it.
  4. Do you mean this one? http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-706098376.htm I swear the asking price was 20k the other day.
  5. www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-708302801.htm Although I just realised it's non evo - semi relevant.
  6. And the lowest price - for a four door M3 in that condition with those k's.
  7. I was going to say - from what I've heard the placeholder foam would probably be a better bet
  8. Auction had expired by the time I got there, if it's white it's probably right. I have got a dealer checking with Mutter Deutschland, not sure if they can still get them but worth a shot.
  9. Thanks guys. Haven't gone looking to a dealer yet. I believe the part number is 82 11 9 413 237.
  10. Hi guys, This is the last piece to make it all original. Does anyone have one available? I think I've read somewhere recently that all E36 flashlights were white - female connector in the rear.
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