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About SavageXii

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    1st Gear

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    E30 318i

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  1. Turns out an issue with the PCB on the openlabs cable.
  2. Hi All, After someone who has a working ADS/DIS set up near wellington or auckland region that can help me compare my set up with theirs, and see if its my car or my cable or my pc/software combo thats the issue. Will offer beers or something in return Backstory: I bought myself a Dell D630 with Windows Xp, Have all the software set up, Openlabs cable, the guy who provided the software says the software and networking is correctly configured, im trying to scan my e34, but im not getting any progress on dis or inpa. I get battery and ignition lights on my open labs cable, but not on inpa, and any actions in inpa or dis say "No control module found". Goal: Find the module responsible for infrared keys and re-enable key pairing, plus "scan" car for issues.
  3. Anyone else have an ADS interface in wellington/auckland not far from the highway in between.
  4. I believe the seat and mirror control unit has failed, as the mirror and seat controls have reversed.
  5. Hi Murray, I think it needs to be DIS + a laptop, so I can change settings in the body modules, dont think the scanners can do that
  6. Hi all, Wondering who has a solution to scan the older BMW's, I've done some research online but can't seem to find much info about it, maybe im not typing in the correct key words. But after a ADS/DIS for the E34 that preferably works on newer laptops as mine doesn't have a com port. Or is there anyone between Auckland and Wellington that is able to diagnose an E34 aside from the dealership? Not just a "Code reader". Also side note, has anyone repaired the memory electric seat module in these before? Thanks!
  7. I've had quite a extensive look online, turns out I think it was a problem with the LKM, the new one I thought was good turned out to be better (no check control spasms) but retained the headlight and dimmer problem so I thought I had eliminated the lkm issues but sadly not! Would be good to see a perfectly soldered LKM, as some of the pins are bridged I dont know if that is normal or if they got hot enough to reflow and bridge
  8. It all seems to be related, as after flickering the headlight came back on, and happens on command by putting in reverse with brakes held on or indicating while driving. Is there a common ground or shared circuit for headlights/indicators/brakes/reverse/dimmer?
  9. Had all the Check control errors for all the lights, put in a used lkm and those went away, but had the same issue with the old lkm, and still present with the seemingly good lkm
  10. Don't believe its rev or driving related just when other lights eg brake and indicator come on, new battery, will check battery ground and boot ground and try to find headlight ground, not sure where the others ground.
  11. Hi all, Bought a new car, next day driving out the driveway, noticed my driver side headlight was out but park lights were still on, thought it was just a bulb, however the background lighting to the dash/cluster and radio/obc/ac controls started to flicker, leaving the cabin pitch black. after flickering back on, my headlight came back as normal. Now I notice when Indicate or brake or reverse I can make the flickering happen on purpose. Does anyone have idea's on what to check or have stumbled across this problem before? My guess is a loose wire in the light switch or a bad ground or a bad fuse/relay? video-1556518743.mp4
  12. *Car is running now* Problem was a faulty ecu plug!
  13. have the car cranking now, but not starting. I was sure I had 12v switched at the fp relay a few days ago, but now im not getting switched 12v at the fp relay, nor the main dme relay. but i do have constant 12v at fp, which works when bridging, and two 12v constants at main dme. Where can I go from here to find out why im not getting switched 12v?
  14. Even if you have the original key, ews system, everything factory standard apart from the engine loom plug and play? I guess if it doesnt start ill just cut the wire. Cheers for the info and I have the m50b25 engine, loom, ecu, and all sensors etc it was from an auto into an auto but am doing a manual conversion at the same time. What does the EWS talk to in the engine bay that lets it know its not longer the original engine anyway to retain that? Cheers *Edit: yeah will need to bypass ews as the dme is gone "Duh", also have a very strange plug ill upload a picture of later if anyone knows what it is. and brent i might need a m50 cluster if this one doesnt work thanks.
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