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Everything posted by BMTHUG

  1. Ahh brabus Monoblock Vs. Used to have a set..saw someone mentioning monoblocks. I think the guy that bought the car off me still has them somewhere
  2. Wow wow wow Helena. Some valid points there. Sassed brau
  3. Those are factory w211 amgs brah^
  4. Love the clears on that particular car. Had the pleasure of owning a sl600 for a short period. Was a beauty. Yours is too. Nice car man. Personal preference with regards to the indicator lenses but clear all the way from me.
  5. price would be good bud!
  6. good lord that is such a clean car! good luck with the sale bud. She's a beauty!
  7. this whole plan is horse shieet
  8. I agree with both the above comments, The government charges all these taxes etc but we never know where the money goes to. I think it sucks personally but their fat pockets have to be funded somehow. Instead of trying to tackle the problems at hand (i.e ridiculous house prices) they go and create new problems for us online shoppers. I buy mostly everything online,supplements, parts etc everything. this PMO!
  9. http://m.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11418802 Read this and thought to myself how badly it will affect the buying of cheaper car parts or pretty much anything online. I really don't know how some people are going to save money in an economy where every price goes up but the wages or salaries you earn sigh
  10. Looking good Kyu. What a nice car i had a w210 e55 before the e46. Nice cars. I disagree about the woeful look about the w210. They are beautiful cars. w211 and w210
  11. BMTHUG

    'THE' M3...

    Ray is more than capable. I have seen his handywork and its tres excellenté
  12. Could even be something simple like plugs or coils. Its hard to tell without test driving but it will be easy once test driven and diagnosed
  13. Could be diff problem even gearbox related man
  14. BMTHUG

    Cyclone Pam

    No sign of this Pam woman. Hahah
  15. BMTHUG

    Overseas Travel

    I want a Koala bear. Reckon you can bring me one? Also a crocodile haha.
  16. Gave her a wheel alignment today. Got her back to usual specs. Was 10mm toe out on right rear after doing the wheelbearing. She looks so much better and feels more stable
  17. Lol i noticed that too. One of my pet peeves lol. Nz new example though. Clean as ever
  18. could do it Give me a txt on 02102916373
  19. BMTHUG

    UK M3

    bahaha yeah something like that
  20. Yeah im not fussed. Cos look who got her shoes back
  21. BMTHUG

    UK M3

    http://www.turners.co.nz/Cars/Search/BMW/M/13927466/ i would rather this
  22. Spotted this at my workshop today drop the top cos the weathers hot
  23. Got these back today. Good as new
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