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Everything posted by Gotheschu

  1. EXACTLY haha. Umm if it survives. =) the race car will be covered in it. ( dad said he would pay for my bimmersport advertising ) but he keeps forgetting but Im with him this week so Bimmersport advertising will be up soon. IM not sure. If i get enough hits ill advertise for advertising on my site. Word of mouth hopefully. Ill be on trademe. One of the bad things bout not having much to lose is not much capital. But any advertising is good, so Ill sort it out after i have got the site working
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEOL0CtQR4I...player_embedded poor poor sod
  3. Race car just needs to be paid =) So it'll go forwards and back. Im not putting much captail in my 700 in and im happy to take the risk. Can't remember where i heard this but ya can't be a entrepreneur without taking risks, so if this isn't a good risk to start me off on a long career haha im going to medical school. Yea I get all the points. I know from some views it looks like its going to burn to the ground and i see your point. But to start ill experiment. Keep most of my wholesalers in NZ and sell things that will sell ( or else they'd be worse of that me as some of you predict ). Ill play it safe but I think it could work. I've spoken to heaps of people and been researching for round 2 months now. Hopefully, you guys might prefer to spend an extra 15-20 bucks with me instead of some guy in the states. Ya never know you could pop on the site and see I have something that you can't find for a cheaper price if you can find it at all! =D But seriously. Im not gonna screw myself so much i have to flip burgers at some crap shack, and I'd prefer to keep trying than do that. But I won't burn into the ground. Got heaps of help and advice coming from all directions and i really appreciate it all from you guys. Im going to enjoy it and I hope you guys find the store at least reasonable but ill shut up now cause I needa pay for my bimmersport advertising since dad forgot and if I say more promotional kinda stuff someone will come after me with a shot gun! =)
  4. The is seriously no domains available with just ebm or ebmonline or anything unless i want ebm.moari.nz. its easy to remember and pretty simple so all good for now. I can always use another online 9.95 a yr =D
  5. Not discouraged at all. Off to see some people tomorrow to check out the stuff they're wholesaling to me and hopefully the sites going online tomorrow night. So if anyone wants advertising. PM ME =D Thanks to RJS for this logo.
  6. Haha. If i had heaps of $$ I wouldn't needa do this to get my car =)Nah, to start im selling on behalf of wholesalers in NZ. And getting a commission til i can use the profit to bring in the good stuff =) I also got round $650 from my iphone ( got it on a plan for $99 ages ago, off my dad cause he was getting a new one of the company ) But im planning on using the $650 on bringing in some sets of brake pads cause did some research and I can do a price on them better than anyone i could find online, and ill have em. here in nz before i sell em and ill do free shipping so if thats not competitive enough then i truly am stuffed.
  7. needa find a hoster that can support the e commerce stuff for me. Which is hard
  8. sht ebm.com, ebm.net everything is taken..
  9. Haha. Beats what I did =D can you do one with a black background =D
  10. Yea. As I said, I don't needa sell a **** load for it to be a success for myself. All it has to do is pay for my Race car and for the tyres and pads etc. If I turn over round 20,000 or more if that a year Ill be sweet as ay. Im gonna go into the business crap at uni and the worse this can do to me is let me learn from these things for myself. way I see it ill get experience, learn the system, and im enjoying it. And again beats working at mcdonalds =D
  11. thanks, hopefully it'll work and go well. Yea. Can't wait to see your logo. Ebm.net sounds pretty good. Ill add it to the poll thingy =D
  12. No please do!!! The name is just the one i like the most so far cause its short. Im rubbish with photoshop so yea pleaseeee doooo!!! I like EinzigartigBM But is there a easier way to say it =) cause if i said to someone yea go check out einzigartigbm.net they would look at my and think im on drugs
  13. Yea. Tryin to think up a logo thingy design for BM Performance without having it look like HellBM's kinda thing. SORRY I PUT TRY NOT TRYING IN THERE. Hows BmAutoShop?
  14. Yea. Im rubbish with this sort of thing with photoshop. Need help haha. Is the name ok. cause not many people like it in the poll =(
  15. VERSION 3 got rid of the nazi SS logo =D
  16. Thanks all. Ill keep posting up updates maybe in a different topic if I'm allowed. Please keep the name suggestions coming though. Since I'm still finding it difficult to pay for the Race car at the moment I have to try as much as I can and even if I sell only a few things, with a little profit, it'll still be worth it for me. So I gotta try. The only thing I can lose is my time so you guys might see the store online tonight!!! As its Sunday and Im not going training =D Keep the suggestions and advice coming cause it helps heaps, and might help me get that bit more $$$ =D
  17. I see your point. I think that would relate to the performance side of things but maybe not so much towards the littler things. I've thought ahead a bit here and I've found some of the big wholesale warehouses in the USA and I've gotten wholesale prices from them. So hopefully the majority of my stuff will be cheaper than for you guys to cut me out and get it directly from them. Whilst, you guys on Bimmersport have lots of knowledge of the big world of wholesale US websites. A lot of BMW owners in NZ don't =D One thing I have coming hopefully is wind deflectors for the convertible BMW's. No one is NZ has em and I think there are a lot of BMW owners around that might like one but they aren't huge BMW fans like this website. My planned target market is every BMW owner e30, e36, ,e28, e46, to e92 everything bmw every owner. I think if I can brand it right have all the advertising on the race car and trademe I might be able to survive. And at the start there arn't any expenses since its just me. Im designing and putting up the site. Im doing all the work. Thanks. Really appreciate the input. Hopefully I can get somewhere in this market!
  18. Umm. Might be my age but half of your terminology I had no clue what you were saying. But, I think I get it the main point. =) What I'm trying to do with the store is have a shop (online to start) that has everything BMW or a big variation. From little cosmetic products to big Superchargers ( probably not superchargers but you know the peek of performance) I don't wanna restrict myself to E30's either. If you get what I'm saying. But as I said I wanna have a brand for the same reasons as i said before. Really appreciate all this help! Please keep it coming, it'll be great if i get this right from the start!!!
  19. I have no idea if this looks worse or better..........
  20. Yea im trying to do a neater version I was just putting that up for the basic layout thing. The thing is if you saw the mercedes star or the vw badge you could think of heaps of things. The G-Power logo is just G-Power. I thought the BMW logo would make it pretty obvious that its about BMW's. Yea that logo i did before was just a basic layout thing. Im trying to get the bmw performance parts thingy the right shape but you atleast get the idea of what it should be like =) Thanks for the input. So you guys thing Gehen Spec sounds better?
  21. I thought, SchnellSpec could be the brand name but when we think of a company or brand we think of the logo and thats why i put BMW PERFOMRANCE PARTS in the logo. So People think of that in the logo. SchnellSpec is just a name that sounds cool and is easy to remember for the website and the TradeMe Username instead of BMperformance.co.nz thats really long and would look crap on a t shirt and isn't a brand image. Love the input its helping heaps. =D Thanks all!!!
  22. ah sh**. haha. Never saw that. That's annoying, i really like the basic layout of it......I should be ok with it. These guys are http://www.teamssracing.com/ http://www.ssracingonline.com/
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