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Jo Blogs

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    3rd Gear

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    Jo Blogs
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  1. May take longer than 30 seconds. Other thing that can make them sound as if they are locking up is a faulty crankshaft position sensor. They don't always throw a code. Disconnect the plug under manifold and pull back rubber boot and check to see if the insulation on the wiring has disintegrated. If so replace and repeat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Jo Blogs

    E36 items for sale

    Dib's on wheels & door-cards and hood-lining if I win the Trademe Auction.
  3. I'm loving that quote Graham!!
  4. Bimmersport needs a like button. :-D
  5. What is your PH no. Tristan.... re 996TT?
  6. Use a Multi-Meter and check at the plug (Ohm's test). There is two wires that are noticeably larger than the others. One is a positive feed..the other is the earth. *May pay to probe the plug with a sewing pin...not the Multimeter probe as it may damage the female terminal int hte plug*
  7. I tried to pull needles of an E36 some years ago to fit a white dial kit. Buggered it, Had to get a new cluster and had a sh*t time finding one with similar KM's.
  8. ABS engineering in Tauranga. $200 for the last DSC unit i sent them. Rebuilt. Not worth buying 2nd hand as the fault occurs all to often and you will be doing the same repair in 6-18 months.
  9. Pirellis & Contis are great in Europe. But our roads are different here, I have spent the money numerous times on these two brands only to be disappointed. Sometimes the dearest is not best. Some tire shops will guarantee the tires to be to your liking for a month or your money back, Just ask.
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