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About Scrambler

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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  • Name
  • Location
    Hawkes Bay
  • Car
    BMW E36 M62
  • Car 2
    BMW E30 M52

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  1. The bit with the cables and tracks has pouped itself on mine. I'm in Hawkes Bay so would prefer one as quick as possible as the window doesn't go up
  2. Ok must be replicas then. Not sure how much they are worth but need them gone. I'll check the size of the rears
  3. Some curbing as to be expected of second hand use I guess. They have alright tyres on them. Its a set of 4 I don't know what they are really worth but lets say $1200
  4. sorry guys I added the wrong number in and thought no one was interested. The seats have gone now
  5. give me a call 022326007 ill hold on to them for today.
  6. seats are alright, come and grab them as im taking them to the dump tomorrow if not for free that is
  7. can someone come and get these seats. Need them gone
  8. Got some parts I need to move on prices very negotiable. pedal box for e36 manual drive shaft e36 - $140 Auto Drive shaft e36 $20 e36 tail lights - $65 ea e36 head lights $50 Each e36 half leather sport seats front ($150) and rear e30 tail lights $75 ea e36 M Sport Body kit which is everything apart from the wing in Montreal Blau Metallic $150 or $1 res on trade me Ancillaries for M40 starter motors and alternators $50 Air Flow meter for M20 E30 $40 E30 Centre console $40 PRICES ARE VERY NEGOTIABLE. CHANCES ARE IF YOU MAKE ME A SLIGHTLY DECENT OFFER FOR SOMETHING I WILL TAKE IT. I just had to put prices up per forum rules.
  9. Gidday Rob, no credit on phone and you caught me driving the other day. I'll go top the phone up tonight
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