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Everything posted by BozzaFC

  1. Welcome! And what a cool car! I think we need pictures...
  2. How much did they cost you if you don't mind me asking? Thinking about getting a set of those for my E39 530i
  3. Hi there, Currently looking at options for adding an aux functionality to my 2001 E39 and the GROM units have caught my attention. I want to keep the stock head unit but am getting tired of listening to the same CDs/radio. I know to add an aux function to the standard setup requires a head unit with a build date post 09/2002, and my car being a 2001 won't have the right one. Has anyone had any experience with these GROM units? Are they compatible with a pre 09/2002 head unit? The GROM website seems to think they work with all model years, and I have emailed them to check this to which they confirmed. Also with installation, does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? Here's a link to what I'm looking at: https://gromaudio.com/store/aux1_adapters/bmw_mini_98-05_auxiliary_adapter_kit_-_behind_the_radio.html Any advice is greatly appreciated. Cheers
  4. Have heard good things about Auto 38, Page European and of course Winger in Wellington. Haven't been to any of them personally, yet
  5. Just out of curiosity, did you get a PPI before you bought the car?
  6. My grandmother has a 1998 SLK230 (R170), in my profile pic, with a few jobs that need doing. Issue with the hydraulics for the folding roof, remote locking and a few other bits and bobs that probably require a Merc specialist. Our family mechanic is more of a BMW man and although he'd give these things a go, we think it's probably best if we go to someone (that isn't the dealer) who knows these things. She's in Whanganui, but anyone from here to Wellington will be fine. Cheers for any recommendations
  7. Thanks! Is that just the cable? So I'll still need to buy a unit to plug it into?
  8. First time BMW owner! 3 weeks ago I bought @str8_6's 2001 530i and have since fallen in love with her! Nicknamed 'Jane', she is a facelift, NZ new, very tidy car that has spent most of her life garaged. She is in Oxford Green Metallic, with the standard black leather interior and wood trim. At 137,500kms, I have already done over 1,000kms in her and can honestly say I have enjoyed every moment of it! I have never needed any more power on a passing lane, and she is silky smooth at idle. Oh, and don't get me started on that beautiful 6-pot purr! Although I am normally a hardcore manual supporter, I have switched over to the dark side simply because it is almost torturous to drive a manual through Wellington and Wellington's traffic. I am currently a first-year student at Victoria University and am a diehard car guy. My grandmother got me into cars with her 1998 R170 SLK230 Kompressor (the car in my profile pic - and yes that's me on the bonnet!), I loved that car and still do; she actually still uses it as her daily and has done over 200,000kms in it. I recently got a new job out in Petone which finally justified my intense desire to buy a new car! Previously, I had a 1999 Alfa Romeo 156 2.5 V6 6-speed which was my first car. I loved that car with a passion; I spent a substantial amount of money doing preventative maintenance on it (not myself, although I would like to be able to start working on my cars in the future) by replacing the water pump, cambelt, radiator and a couple CV boots. Unfortunately, after owning it for only 3 months it was written off - not by me though! It was parked outside my high school one morning when a gentleman drove past towing a car trailer which didn't have the safety chain attached. Just as he drove past my car, the trailer bounced off the hook and ploughed straight into my baby. Fair to say I was devastated (and to this day haven't fully gotten over it). It was only a few weeks prior to that that I had sunk many dollars in securing the longevity of my pride and joy. Luckily, we both had insurance and I was paid out for it. *Photos attached* This tragedy occurred in September of last year, and ever since I have been longing for a replacement, but have never been able to justify it/find the right replacement. And then Jane came along. I have always been a BMW enthusiast, with my mother owning an E36 when I was growing up and an E90 now, and am very glad to finally have one that I can call my own. I keep her in a parking garage in Wellington's CBD, and use her 3-4 days each week to drive to and from Petone (although that hasn't stopped me taking her out most days just to go for a cruise!) and occasionally to drive back home to Whanganui (2.5 hrs). Unfortunately, after only owning the car for 2 days, my radiator sprung a crack while I was visiting home in Whanganui. I got this replaced by our family mechanic easily enough, but it was nonetheless a pain! In terms of future plans for the car, I have bought some euro style licence plate surrounds which I am yet to put on (couldn't justify spending $299 on the real deal - maybe one day), I am considering putting a tasteful tint on the windows to preserve the leather and parcel shelf which is surprisingly un-faded, and am currently looking into installing an aux-cord into the stock stereo setup. I am leaning towards a Grom unit which plugs into the back of the stereo since the stereo will be pre 09/2002, but am open to recommendations. My only requirement is that the stock head unit remains - I'm big on OEM. Obviously, I'm a first-year uni student so don't have heaps of money to burn (and the parents won't pay for it ;)) so affordable recommendations of any kind will be much appreciated. This is turning into a bit of an essay so I'll finish it up here. I've joined the BMW Car Club and will be attending the Cars and Coffee meet this weekend. I really look forward to meeting more of you guys and gaining insight into BMW ownership and any pointers on working on my car myself (this is hard, however, since I am in a hall of residence and don't necessarily have the capacity to do much work myself). This is such an exciting community and I am thrilled to be a part of it! Cheers, Boston.
  9. Hi all, New member; just discovered this forum and couldn't not make an account! It looks amazing. Looking at buying a 2001 530i. https://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1680750143 Any advice or thoughts? It looks to be in pretty good condition and with low mileage. Hopefully will be going for a test drive some time next week. Any tips on what to check for and any good places to take it to for a PPI? Thanks in advance!
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