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About Hona

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Name
    Hona Wikeepa
  • Location
  • Car
    1998 BMW AC Schnitzer 540
  • Car 2
    1999 BMW 5233i

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  1. Hona

    LCM 2

    Hi everyone. I have been trying to fix the lights on my wife's 1998 E39 540i for a while now without any success. They were working fine, then one day they started flashing intermittently and doing other things as well. Indicators stopped working, and drive lights come on when I start the car. None of the switches (light, indicators) affect this situation. I pulled the LCM 2 out and sent it to get checked out at 'Anything Electronic' and they found nothing unusual with the LCM 2. I placed the LCM 2 back into the car, and the lights worked for a month, and then the problem returned. I live 60 km from the nearest big town, so I have tried to find and fix the fault myself. I don't like to drive the car while it is like this. Today I am going to check the breakout box under the driver seat. All the fuses are good. My thoughts are, the LCM 2 may still be faulty. An alternative is to get another LCM 2 and code it from the one I have currently. If anyone has had a similar issue, I would appreciate some feedback. One other thing, the heater comes on when the car is started. I have read information regarding the LCM 2 affecting other things beside the lights. Anyhow, kind regards.
  2. Relatively new to these forums and a computer to actually. We own a couple of 5 Series BMW's and a Mercedes W140 S500L. I do as much of the maintenance as possible, however occasionally I run into difficulties. Hopefully this move will rectify that problem a little. Cheers from Turangi.
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