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Ghost Chip

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Everything posted by Ghost Chip

  1. You’ve done such an amazing job so far!
  2. It’s more depressing for someone trying to jump in too late 😂
  3. Mate, went higher than I wanted it to be. Although, it was definitely in good condition. I do wonder at times if one of the bidders is the owner as well. If that was a coupe it probably would be taken by now.
  4. Hell BM? Mate, did the bro just resell for profit? That sucks. I saw that guy post it up on another page, people seemed to be quite surprised on the price. Definitely is quite high though.
  5. Yeah I ended up finding in a buy/sell group. Got sold pretty quickly though!
  6. How do I not see these, I check almost every day. I can’t seem to find that post though, is it in a group or fb marketplace?
  7. How long did it take you to clean the boot for that photo?
  8. Probably the wrong forum to be talking about boot space hahaha
  9. Fair point. Is it bad that the first thing that actually came to mind was the practicality of the boot hahaha. I’ll find one to cruise in to compare. Cheers for the recommendation.
  10. Thanks for the reply! Yeah, from everyone else’s reply it definitely sounds like it. Good thing I asked first before impulse buying. I just had a look at the 130i, not feeling it to be honest haha.
  11. Yeah, haven’t really considered the safety rating at all, maybe I should hahaha. All good, thanks again for your advice!
  12. Wouldn’t have realised this if it wasn’t for you guys pointing it out. Makes sense now after you guys explained it Fair enough. Saw some guides online and it looked like a big (and difficult) job but seemed somewhat doable for a beginner if you put the mahi in. Although, like what you said, sourcing parts can also be a hassle, which I found out today from researching more. Should’ve taken more into account that most of the people in the guides were based in the US haha.
  13. Thanks for the reply! Looks like I should hold out for a 328i! Thanks for the reply! Sounds like a great idea and spare change for beers will always be one of the priorities haha Ahhh, thanks so much for your input! Definitely sounds like the 328i is the way to go. Haha yeah, had a look around and definitely not in my budget. Was more going for something within* 10k that I can start working on. Unless there’s good resale value now or in the future, can’t really reason spending more than that for now. Looks like I need to do some hunting! *Edit: or around
  14. Thanks again for the reply! That makes sense, although, could you please clarify a bit more on why the manual conversion in a daily driver wouldn’t be worth it? True, I thought that the 320i would be a good foundation to start a project on (2L, straight six, with RWD and LSD). If there’s not much of a difference jumping to 2.5/2.8, then I feel like I’d prefer that over the smaller engine in the 318i. With regards to the “easier to work on, less problematic, and cheaper” did you mean that for just the engine or the car as a whole? Big question but between the 325i, 328i, and the M3, what would you recommend and why? Any others that you would recommend? Sorta going for a car that I can tinker around with and has enough juice that I can enjoy cruising around in but not too problematic, thirsty, and mega expensive to maintain / repair. Thanks heaps for being patient! Thanks for the reply! Fair. I’m not really familiar with pricing so didn’t know if it was worth it or not. Similar question to above. Any recommendations and why?
  15. Thanks for your replies! Sorry, really new to this so have some questions. Curious to understand why you guys think it wouldn’t be worth the hassle? I think in my head I automatically rank the lower kms as better because it was less used, so may have less issues compared to something that has higher kms. Also thought that it would be a good car to start a project on since it’s stock and has low kms. I’m hoping to use it as a daily drive so not really wanting a bigger engine (fuel costs and all that). Not sure if that’s good or not really worth it in the long run? Thanks again!
  16. Hi all! I’m new here and don’t actually own a BMW (yet? haha) but I’ve been thinking about starting a project car for a few years now and bumped across a 95 320i M Sport with less than 30000kms (going for about 13k). The problem is that it’s an auto and so will want to do a manual swap at some point. A bit overwhelmed from the researching so wanting to get some opinions on whether or not I should take it on. Also worried that it will be way too expensive to do the manual swap / maintain (- also looks like suspension is a common issue?). Would appreciate any of your thoughts/comments/advice. Thanks!
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