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Ghost Chip

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Everything posted by Ghost Chip

  1. Oh yeah definitely. The seller was going to give out some extra goodies to whoever took the car and one of them was 4 or 5L of the correct paint colour to respray it with.
  2. History’s a bit foggy though. Apparently engine was from a 320i that was auctioned off turners as crash damaged, then was put in the seller’s 320i wagon which sat for 2.5 years with the occasional startup to move the car but without stretching its legs, and decent leak from the rocker cover and sump.
  3. Ghost Chip


    Still looking!
  4. Apparently 1 of 71 and RRP in 1998 was half a mil 😮 https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-3112910819.htm
  5. Yeah, I quickly looked it up and realised that was the case.
  6. Found this on fb, is it me or is that the engine ticking? IMG_1002.MOV
  7. Tidy car! Not too sure what verts are going for to be honest so wouldn’t have a clue!
  8. One of the few that’s actually worth more than what it’s asking. No wonder it sold quite quickly
  9. Same 😂 did not even see it, maybe it was listed and went while I was at work.
  10. Ghost Chip


    This sold. All the ragrets 😆
  11. The warning is very useful, I would’ve taken the bike in the shower to save water and all
  12. That is such a tidy car!!! Hopefully it goes to a good home!
  13. Mate said he’ll just tow it to the shop tomorrow - which will be interesting as neither I nor him have tow bars in our cars 😂. Cheers for that!
  14. So does that mean that shouldn’t need to buy 2 of them? That makes the quote super expensive then, what the heck 🤔
  15. Hey all, So did a dumb and embarrassing thing and accidentally drained transmission fluid instead of the oil. Eating that humble pie now. Thankfully it’s not all of it, we drained about 1L - in some ways was a blessing as it looked pretty nasty anyway. Problem is now we have to fill it up before getting it to a shop on Tuesday to have the bushings replaced to pass WOF as I’m assuming it’ll run the transmission if we run it with not enough transmission fluid. Referring to an article online for it and have some questions to avoid doing any more dumb things 1) Should we just do a proper change, replace the filter, fill up with new fluid or can we just fill it up with new fluid to get it to the shop by Tuesday? 2) If we’re just filling it up with new fluid, should we get the leftover fluid up to temp (35-45deg C) and heat the new fluid as well at the same temp (35-45C) before filling it up 3) Any tips if we should just do a proper change? Do we really need a scan tool to measure ATF temp or could we just let it idle for a while? @KwS thoughts? 4) Mechanic said to just drive it to the shop and he can do it there - is this safe or should we just tow it there? Below is the article we were looking through https://www.pelicanparts.com/techarticles/MINI/28-TRANS-Automatic_Transmission_Fluid_Change/28-TRANS-Automatic_Transmission_Fluid_Change.htm Cheers!
  16. It sounds like a real pain either way so mate would rather a proper mechanic to do it rather than two wannabe home DIYer (aka me and him) I did wonder if could provide our own bushings to make it cheaper but those superpro ones on trademe are $220 a pop as well or am I looking up the wrong thing? For reference I’m talking about these https://www.trademe.co.nz/trade-me-motors/car-parts-accessories/parts-other-makes/suspension/auction-3103942587.htm Any recommendations on good Mini auto shop somewhere close to North Shore (Auckland)? Also @KwS how much did it cost you back overall. Seems like they’re the same with these ones, is this the right one compared to the one I mentioned above? https://www.trademe.co.nz/trade-me-motors/car-parts-accessories/parts-other-makes/suspension/auction-3098204199.htm
  17. Ghost Chip


    Oh I totally understand that’s the case for both your comments. I did try to buy it, offer was just too low for him. I’ve gotten in contact with him again with a higher offer - so far no replies 😅
  18. Of course they do, they get driven outside so will have the odd stone chip or so chucked at it. I didn’t mention anything about Ardo’s?
  19. Sorry nah, that’s not what I meant. I can definitely see why you think I meant that though. I was talking about the silver one. Sammo mentioned that the photos are poor - I made a joke that maybe it isn’t that tidy anyway and it’s not really the photos that are poor.
  20. Not feeling those ones eh, especially not with those price tags. Agreed, photos definitely make a difference. Or maybe it really isn’t that tidy haha
  21. Ghost Chip


    Yeah, I’ve actually talked to this guy already before he listed it. He’s related to someone on here. I think I may have offended him by offering too much of a low amount. It’s a pretty tidy car though, and definitely is miles better than all the e30 on TM right now. My stupid mind is thinking that as soon as I buy that, I’ll find an e30 that I’d like better. Realising how absurd my thinking is right now.
  22. @E28E30 yup that’s the one. I do agree that it depends on the buyer’s preference. @Sammo where is this 18k 325i manual you speak of? Don’t know though, I feel like it’s tidy enough that someone would probably still buy it.
  23. Wonder if this will sell on buy now price. Feel like the red 4dr was in better shape. https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-3103253823.htm
  24. I just had a read. Annoying that you have to drop the whole subframe. Mate got quoted 750 overall incl GST. 💸💸💸 (labour was only 160 though)
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