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Ghost Chip

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Everything posted by Ghost Chip

  1. @Wade13 The email of the seller is still on the listing if you wanted to contact them to get a ballpark figure. Not sure how much it went for, I asked them if they were taking offers and they said they’d rather let the auction run so must have been a pretty good offer. I’ll be keeping an eye out for your listing! All the best.
  2. Good to hear that the sale went smoothly. Hope that you get through whatever has happened. Kia kaha!
  3. Sounds like reason for sale is different to what @integrale posted above. Maybe buyer’s trying to flip the car?
  4. Depends on the car, but realistically, nothing close to what the mtech1 or 2 are going for in trademe. With that in consideration, if you still have what I’m looking for then flick me a cheeky PM. Cheers!
  5. Yeah, was just about to get in touch with the owner. Seems like a proper project!
  6. Yeah I saw that. I’m going to try to view and negotiate down since I’ll probably try engine swap it at some point. Been thinking more about engine swapping so I’m also open for a rolling body for an e30 coupe. Preferably straight and surface/no rust. Surely there’s more out there!!! Cheers
  7. Have a few options but still looking for the “one” 😁. Open to e30 318i and e24 633csi.
  8. If only this came with AC 😂 https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-3069463088.htm
  9. In other news, I thought that something like this was initially overpriced. Nek minit... just jacked up to 25k with reserve met. https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-3039931663.htm
  10. That’s how they get ya!
  11. @M3AN bidbud seems to be the way to go to not miss out on those auctions
  12. @HalfJobHarry it’s because people just buy them anyway so it becomes the norm
  13. Anyone based in Nelson and can test drive/view a car for me? Box of beers for the trouble 😁
  14. Not sure on pricing for those so may be too expensive for me 😂. PMed you anyway.
  15. Wonder if the pricing for the red auto affected this one. https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/bmw/auction-3056952754.htm
  16. Ahhh, I get you now. I completely misunderstood what you said previously. I think that because of the age of the cars I’m going for, it seems a lot riskier to buy ones that haven’t had any preventative maintenance done. And yeah that’s what I’m aiming for as well.
  17. Just looked up kiwi shipping and it looks so daunting! How much do you think it’d cost? Their estimate page isn’t working.
  18. Still looking. Feel like at this point I’m becoming more open to sedans 😂.
  19. Probably, but so are cheap factory manuals. I think the seller was also saying he just wanted to break even.
  20. Fair, I might give Bavarian Motors a call for a quote. I feel like it’s more just having the confidence that someone who knows what they’re doing checked it. As I’m new to all this, I don’t have much confidence with what I can see, especially with regards to where to look for leaks. What do you mean by the CGA backstop? That’s true, seller mentioned he’s happy to get it a new wof so I’ll just ask to get it from vtnz. I’ll PM you with regards to the scan. Thanks again. What even is a real enthusiast? I guess my take on it is maintain/improve/repair it so that I can continue to enjoy it. Doesn’t have to be collectible level of perfection but I guess the next level down from that, whatever you call that 😂.
  21. Yeah, I don’t think it has been at all which is not great. I did offer a lower price around the 10k mark if he agrees with an inspection and it turns up with no issues. Now that I think about it, really should’ve aimed for 8-9 instead. He was comparing his price to the other e36 that went for 11.8k but that car was more sorted than this one and engine sounded better. What do you mean by the value is pretty low? I was more hoping they could test the engine and the likes (compression test, oil leak down, etc.). Thanks for the offer and definitely would be keen for that as well and yeah I am based in Auckland. I really should just borrow all your brains and experience when I come to view/test drive haha. Reading up on stuff can only do so much.
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