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Everything posted by MatthewR

  1. WTB a pair of front seats for either F82 M4 or F87 M2. Planning on putting them in my E36 (Yes lots of wiring, i’ll figure it out) Must be electric with side bolster adjustment and heated would be a bonus. Located in Auckland but can travel for the right deal
  2. Well I bought a set of BBS RK500's a few months ago and have been restoring them since. I snapped one bolt when reassembling them so took it to the local wheel repair shop and they managed to crack the barrel in several places and swear it wasn't them who damaged the wheel, ignoring my proof of the barrel without cracks before I dropped them off. So unfortunately I'm on the hunt for just one 17x8 ET38 BBS RK500 Barrel. It's a long shot but I've spent way to much on these wheels to give up now. Wiling to travel across NZ
  3. Hey Brett, 11 years later and i own this car, had it for about a year now and i’ve done quite a bit too it, i’d be keen to show you some photos of it, text me on. Zero 2 Seven Four 7 Four Eight Nine 4 Two. Cheers, Matthew
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