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About Isaac1234

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    1st Gear

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  1. Ill be using a recirculating valve for sure, inbetween the throttle body and maf, they say to us the bigger 32mm valve but I might stick to 25mm. - Im not a fabricator unfortunatley so alot of the parts will be sourced.
  2. Hey I was thinking about doing a build thread and showing my progress, im just in the process of gathering a few more parts - the biggest hurdle Im going through at the moment is how I am going to run the plumbing as Im going to use an intercooler since im running the 80mm pulley from HMW so there wont be any clutch mechanism. This would be my first big build project so theres going to be mistakes and problems I run into along the way - Im doing as much research as I can so the expenses are kept at a minimum and Ive created a spread sheet with all the purchases I have made thus far. Im planning on running the throttle body before the blower with the relocation kit provided by HMW. I know Im going to have to relocate a few things but I cant get into the process of spending more money until I have the brackets and supercharger bolted on so I get a good idea of how to route certain things. But once I get that part installed Ill start a build thread and show all the f**k ups and process along the way. Ill be using the stock ECU (MS43) and ill go the remote tuning route. Ive been looking into a company called Chaos Calibrations to do the tuning but we'll see how it goes in the future.
  3. Man I dont know what happened to this post I just wanted some basic information on a good direction for my build but its turned political like some reddit post... on a side note anyone selling an SC14 supercharger I ended up buying the HMW kit. If you dont have anything good to say just keep it to yourself please
  4. Wow this is so informative! sorry to jump on the bandwagon so late on my own post but thank you for this information!
  5. Oh okay, interesting what have other people said about using it?
  6. Yeaaa i used to work at the toolshed 😊 was so conscious of bringing the car there haha
  7. No i havent yet ill give it a look! Do you mean lots of work in terms of achieving that number? Or the amount of work done to support having that hp?
  8. Hey guys! First post here, was curious if anyone has a basic supercharger kit they want to sell to bolt on to my m54b30? I know theyre kits on the internet i just want too see if anyone has it here locally. Eg - Sc14 supercharger, mounting brackets, intake elbows from supercharger, pulleys, and or silicone elbows to throttlebody. (Not looking to go water/meth injected) Aiming for around 300hp On a side note anything I have to look out for? I know ill need larger injectors will most likely go for 31lb injectors and many other things. Tuning - piggyback, standalone or someone who can tune off the stock ecu or is it too restrictive? Thank you.
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