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Everything posted by bmwsparkle

  1. next was the stage at manfeild... notice the fat chick and also the dodgey guy gettin outta the e30 and staring in wonder, boyfriend = ginga!
  2. damn cool ex group n e24 635csi.... i want his alpina head......
  3. was a good pass by the RX7, shame i missed all the flames pouring out of the exhaust
  4. we then went on to the rangi rd stage and sat at the turnoff to peep o day rd damn cool starly
  5. cam (caboonatlarge) tried to spade me and cam whilst we were waiting for the stage (turakina mt curl) to start
  6. me - cam/sparkle (bmwsparkle), cam (CaM_ae86), and cam (caboonatlarge) have watched a few stages over the last 2 days, some pics follows managed to get the sigma stuck on cams (CaM) front lawn when we went to pick him up.... bad start.... laughs all round tho
  7. could polish the 5 up for ya if ya want :pimp:
  8. Give big space to the festive dog that makes sport in roadway. Avoid entanglement of dog with wheel spokes. hahahahahha.... roadkill biarch
  9. bmwsparkle


    manual conversion in da house YoOoOoO~!1!1!!111!!!
  10. bmwsparkle

    85 e30 turbo

    word 4agze supercharged is out of ae101 trueno, mustve been changed to turbo, pretty sure the ae101 levin came out with the silver top 20v 4age i think.... but yeah 4age come in quite a few different forms, blue top, red top, silver top, black top etc, ask cam bout toyota engines, a 4agze that he was converting to turbo was goin to go in his ex blue top 4age ae86 levin.
  11. my 5! Schooled biarches! http://images.google.co.nz/images?q=tbn:rT...___2_-thumb.jpg THE FOLLOWING ERROR(S) WERE FOUND Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed -- wtf..... wouldnt let me post....
  12. bmwsparkle

    Dunlop Targa

    haha gidday jefferies!
  13. bmwsparkle

    Dunlop Targa

    ill be watchin a few stages down this way, u'll see the dirty sigma parked on the side of the road
  14. damn thats good, sum1 buy them
  15. wordgallery = attract feeble minded youngsters = membership = $$
  16. good stuff [edit by sic] g-mEn [/edit]
  17. word, like my shiznit auto, is the switch actually part of the auto or can i use my current switch on the normal e28 4spd auto? if my auto blows one day for example, which if it did i would probably convert to manual, but yea.
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