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Posts posted by kwhelan

  1. got latest email from them and now with a simple firmware update their adapter now supports android as well as iphone,

    you do need to buy their cable to be able to charge and play but play works with any cable

    and of course bluetooth always did anyway.


    great units and well priced on ebay if you cant afford the whole android replacement dynavin

  2. Could be embarrasing - starting the car at every intersection - would sound to everybody else like you stalled it :unsure:

    Pain in the arse too if you've got a F##ked battery & want to keep the car going - can it be overidden?

    discussing this with a merc expert ,apparantly they have now 2 batteries,one just for starting,engine stops if you stop moving for more than .7seconds and across the board accounts for 25% fuel saving

    they always told us starting a car was bad even at railway lines and produced more wear than idiling,less oil being circulated etc.

    and I still cant get my head around how a car can start and move off at the instant you put your foot down,there has to be a delay and a noise, unless its like toyota that starts off on electric and once moving the petrol motor fires and cuts in

    no car starts effortlessly everytime in every instance of heat and cold conditions with a few kays on the clock and settles into an even instant idle and supplies instant acceleration,and rengages clutches or does the starter motor actually move the car forward until power cuts in

    maybe nana and grandad wouldnt notice but i'm picking leadfoot does

  3. I'm curious about this autostart/stop which i keep reading about. I get the idea of why but how does it work in real life,it sounds like it would feel odd to feel an engine stop while your sitting in it at the lights and how does it react when lights go green.obviously nobody would be wanting a wait while it restarted and then reengaged drive,how does this system actually work in the real world,how does it feel,is it a compromise or would you never even know it was happening,i find it hard to imagine how it could work smoothly but maybe there some magic im missing

    anyone who got/ tried it comments please

  4. I will put it another way ... anyone can become rich but few do.

    Not quite you cant be all winners,simply there has to be a certain number of poor to offset anyone who has made it just law of nature

    Even if everyone earnt triple do you call everyone rich,no because someone always has more than the other

    We have probably the best Prime Minister that NZ has ever had but we don't champion him.

    Gee thats a big call,he may be the most groomed and qualified and educated which is a good thing,better than having a surveyor as finance minister or high school educated farmer as top dog but do you judge him on his personal wealth and sucess or his compassion for the people,

    Regardless of which party he represents, he is an example of the fact that you can come from a poor background and become rich and instead of becoming richer again, he elected to lead NZ in an under paid job so he is a champion in NZ

    Or he is one of the chosen jew groomed obama puppets installed and controlled by others and is gaining in status and wealth with even greater job prospects to come so not so galant in taking the job

    How many pms get invited to bilderberg meetings

    but again, we would rather champion sporting people because they do what for NZ .... didley swat but hey, that's what we Kiwis do ...

    Have to agree with you there but they do make you feel good at the olympics aye and most are an example to look up to,you dont become an olymian without a lot of sacrifice and determination

    Don't read into this too much as it is just one person's view on life but remember one thing from tonight's sermon :) , you alone are stopping yourself from bettering yourself whether it is in wealth or mind or body. If you say that is wrong because of where you are in life, sell up, move to another town and start again where no-one knows your past or baggage you take with you in life. Leave the baggage at the door and instead of focusing on why you can't do xy&z, just do it !!! :)


    Money makes money ,,once you have reached a certain level oportunities do open up and things snowball

  5. ok found 2 x 20gb :) do i need to reinstall windows on it or can i just plug it in formatted?

    your scaring me.dont fiddle with it if you dont know what your doing,unless your prepared to lose all your exisiting data then play away

    also. if they did give me a replacement payout. is it a cheque or a credit note? can i buy from any retail store in nz or they have specific shops only? i.e. noel leeming, harvey norman etc...

    it all depends on the insurer and the policy lots just give you credit now at noel leemings for example,did you have it listed as a specific item on the policy with a value like you have to for high end cameras,jewelry etc

    sounds like you should in future as most have a general limit and things of greater value have to be specified like musical instruments

  6. yeah not being fraudulent or anything. its more of personal computer that i use for my business as well on the side. only business thing in there are excel files, emails, word docs, client files and pdf files. I dont see a need to have another laptop just for business when i can use my personal one. it has family, overseas travel pictures dating back up to a couple of years, videos and around 2 grand worth of itunes stuff and the normal stuff.

    anyone a wizz on computers? i need to backup my stuff just in case. but the HDDs are in raid mode. how can i access it? will it work in an extrnal enclosure like normal? need to backup my outlook emails too.. gaahhh..

    depends on the raid type, Please say you do know?

    probably not without putting the pair back in a working config setup exactly the same and even plugging them into a new motherboard is still extremely risky,

    if you dont know the type of raid it was(probably either 1 or 0), then DON"T go sticking it in an enclosure ,you could damage the file structure,

    if it was raid 1 which is just mirroring your lucky then you have 2 identical drives and either will be ok on there own

    A broken screen shouldn't stop it booting you just need to plug in an external screen and access all the data

    if its really broke and can't be booted please don't go playing with raid drives unless you know what your doing or youll be sorry,find an expert

    Raid can be a PITA and should be backed up always

    fingers crossed it was raid 1 mirrored

  7. By waiting I would argue the market has shifted, (which can go both ways).

    Market value can be defined as:

    "the amount 'it' should exchange for between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction after proper marketing wherein the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently, and without compulsion"

    Great chat boys :)

    HAH straight from a text book

    so are you saying theres no such thing as a bargain because everything is sold at its true market value because the market has set the price.

    luckily trademe is full of people who cant spell prudently let alone know what it means

    I think people forget the profit is made when you purchase,

  8. yes and the japanese car importers tend to look at year and mileage and a rough grade of 1-5,

    theyre not haggling value over certain types of mag wheels leather,sunroofs or whatever to them its just a car,and there markup is blah so they can afford to haggle blah

    private sales try sometimes wrongly to upsell price on these things

  9. It's simple - price. There is nothing else to it. Your price is too high


    theres an element of luck and patience involved,your ad could sell in hours(price to low) maybe, maybe you got lucky and it was seen by the right person

    If you turn down the offer and wait for a better price you may wait 6 months for a new buyer.

    some things people have re-advertised many times because the the right person never saw the ad.

    why drop the price because your watchlist or views count was low,try closing the auction on a different day or different time or maybe even a different month,

    eg:(try selling a car over xmas new year week) not very likely!

    theres also some skill involved,not all realestates agents/firms are equal by any stretch so price is not the only factor

  10. I don't know about 3.5mm option but this model has no steering wheel controls. I'd certainly prefer a 3.5mm option if there was one.

    btw i got the MD going, but the number of tracks you can get on a disc in SP is roughly the same as a CD so there's no real benefit... still looking for the best iPhone solution :)

    the grom one has a 3.5 input, plus usb for memory sticks and an iphone plug,the unit plugs into the cd stacker plug,you lose the cdstacker.you need to buy extn cords which they sell if you want to bring the plugs up front.Mine is a wagon and I ran all the 3 plugs up into the ashtray mount up front and mounted them flush except for the iphone connector which has a lead sticking out the rest look factory fitted.Unit works well and you can change tracks from either phone or stereo system,track data, song titles etc all work on factory screen,bluetooth streaming works well with iphone 4 too cost less than $200

  11. Hey lucas!

    I reckon a DICE unit is the best option to go in terms of what you're after, I paid around 350 for the kit and I can play crispy clear quality sounds from my phone. It replaces the CD stacker so no more CDs, but who uses CD's now days?

    Just give me a text and I'll help you out!


    I got a grom audio model has usb,aux in and bluetooth and it was very cheap,you can find them on ebay,very good service and works well,company are good to deal with

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