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About Antonio318i

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    1st Gear

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    2000 BMW 318i

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  1. Thanks very much, nearing 2,000km in my e46 now and loving every moment of it.
  2. Just checked and turns out I lost the cable hahah which isn't much help. I will get to ordering one of those scanners as they look like they would be very helpful. And if your not too busy that would be really good, thanks very much.
  3. Just read that E46 Fanatics forum post, I had no clue this type of thing existed. Thanks very much for making me aware of this buffer as I have always assumed that it has been at operating temperature as soon as it has reached half way on the temp gauge. This is definitely something I would like to fix. I have the cable so I can connect to my computer through the OBD2 so I'm assuming I just need the PA soft software?
  4. Thank you so much. I plan to keep this BMW for ages as so far it seems like a pretty good one so any preventative maintenence I can do is well worth it. It used to stay cold for ages and last weekend I replaced the thermostat which has fixed the issue. I will have a look at replacing the parts in the cooling system you have mentioned to give me peace of mind. I went to have a look at the DISA valve not too long ago and it looks like it has been messed with in the past. It's as if someone has removed it and tried sealing it up, but has done a really bad job so it won't be easy to remove.
  5. Thanks very much. Style 68s will be my go to when I eventually put some new wheels on it, I love they way they look. I will also post updates of what I change and do to it. I am looking to keep this pretty OEM so don't worry, no tacky AliExpress parts will go anywhere near it hahah.
  6. Hi All, I have recently purchased my first BMW, a 2000 BMW 318i with a 5 speed manual gearbox. I have come from owning a 2004 R50 Mini which was my first car, and I am loving my new (to me) BMW. I haven't done much to it yet, just basic servicing and maintenance. I also tidied up the exterior with a decent polish and some European sized plates. I can't wait to get stuck into my BMW and make it the most perfect factory base model E46 in existence, or at least that's the plan anyway. No doubt I will be on this forum a lot, so I cant wait to learn all I can about these BMWs.
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