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325iRod last won the day on December 23 2023

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About 325iRod

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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    BMW 335i e92
  • Car 2
    BMW 325i e30
  • Car 3
    BMW 318i e30

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  1. Looking for 4x BMW centre cap badges to suit BBS RS \ basketweave waffles (70mm).
  2. Thanks Darren. That's a good question, I’m not sure yet.. I think I’m going to use the set that’s currently on my 15inch basketweaves for now (205/15/50). Ultimately, I’m leaning towards a set of road legal semi slicks but need to do some research and find a “good deal”.
  3. Finally got around to doing something with these wheels, had them sitting in the garage for a few years.. Dismantled and had all nut and bolts zinced. Sourced a new set of 15inch lips slightly deeper than what they came with (+.5inch) this also increased the overall width of the the wheels (6.5 to 7inch). Had a local shop straighten the barrels and repair a crack in one. Cleaned up all four faces and prepped for paint and had new lips polished. Waiting on 4 new valve stems and hex caps to arrive, once these show up ill grab some tyres and install them on the car.
  4. $600 Very good condition for age, no visible repairs and mounting points appear to be in good condition. These will not fit sedans. Let me know if you would like more pics or any specific info. Located Christchurch, shipping can be arranged. Cheers
  5. Thanks Graham, if you could message me some pictures when you get a chance that would be great.
  6. Does anyone have any BBS RS wheel bolts like the ones pictured. I need around 30 but happy to purchase a whole set or what you have spare. Cheers
  7. Anyone know of someone wrecking a e92?
  8. This video was very helpful..
  9. This is the oil you will need, 83222446673 - DCTF1+ transmission fluid 7 litres of it and I used just over 6 and a 1/2. Before the service when selecting reverse It would slip slightly, no longer experiencing this. In general, I think it feels better but this could be the placebo effect. Apart from the slight reverse slip there were no issues with performance, I wanted to get the service out of the way as general maintenance as the car has done 130k now. BMW say lifetime fill but I’m pretty sure this only means 100k in the real world.
  10. Got this done over the weekend, process was pretty straight forward. Very happy with the end result. Some pics..
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