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kruisn last won the day on March 29 2016

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7 Neutral

About kruisn

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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    2002 - Z3 roadster 3.0
  • Car 2
    Healey 100
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    Driving, Sailing, Diving, Classic Cars, Female company (not in any particular order)

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  1. kruisn

    Heartwarming love story

    Of course! ! ! I would wash and polish it first to keep it clean.
  2. Nice line up. Good to see more Z'ds.
  3. kruisn

    Very tidy E30 318i

    Thank you all for your help/advice. Its great to have such a cool bunch of enthusiastic car nuts. It seems I was a bit out of touch with prices (not buying or selling too often heh heh). No probs to come down a tad or two. Perhaps if enyone is serious they could make an offer, 021855225 everything is negotiable. Quite happy to leave it here for a few days before putting it out to the public. Happy BMW-ering.
  4. Sadly after sixteen years ownership Brenda (my wife) has to reluctantly sell her lovely 318i (Lil Blu) due only to the fact that her mother has to now use a walker which will not fit in the car. We will have to replace it with a Station Wagon or similar, but it will have to be BMW. Lil Blu has been maintained with a lot of enthusiasm and no expense spared. 1990 E30 318i automatic, four door sedan, Atlantis Blue. Very original (still has the auto charge torch). 115000 kilometres Kept garaged Service history 15” X spoke wheels (“basket weaves” is not what they are called) Pirelli P6000 tyres Rego due October 2016 New WOF on 18/3/2016 Maintained by Jerry Claytons and Bavarian Motors Genuine BMW battery New cambelt, brakes, valves, lifters, guides etc at 107000 ks Has excellent upholstery (no rips or worn spots). Usual cracks on dash top. Not sure of worth but thought we would start off around $7000.00 and look for feed back (up or down) from members. We would like it to go to somebody who would also look after it, so we are putting it here on the board first. Car is in Auckland so please reply to forum.
  5. kruisn

    FS E30 Dash mat $60

    Hi Andrew, would like to purchase your Dashboard Matt. Please ring 021855225 during bussines hours. Kind Regards Kruisn.
  6. Hi Brent, Does the Z have the OBC (part No 62138383661), (av speed, temp, fuel etc) and Turn signal indicator arm (part No 61316905025) which comes with it. Some have a clock and some the OBC (not the engine management computer). Kind Regards Kruisn.
  7. We have a 1990 318 saloon as little brother to our Z3 3.00. It gets all the small trips to the supermarket, work, visiting and any other trips that are not a good place to park the Z. My lady loves it and has owned it for about 13 years she feels at ease and comfortable when driving it. Over the last couple of years it has developed a whine in the diff and just lately a quite loud clicking or loud ticking from the motor. I presume it is the valve lifters (I have heard they can be a prob at higher K’s. (it has done just over 100,000K's). Problem is what to do????? Are there any remedies you BMW lovers could suggest and is it worth spending dosh on??. I would like some feed back and would appreciate advice or ideas on how to overcome the problem. Happy Motoring Bryan.
  8. Have 1990 318, 4 door, Am interested in boot spoiler if suitable. please ring 094759781 (Auckland) evenings. or leave a message. Regards Kruisn
  9. kruisn

    Selling E30 Parts

    Hi Horyse, What condition is the radiator could be interested if in good nick? where are you.
  10. Do you mean there is a company that would do the job for mr E34, if so he would probably like to know, or did you mean to use your advise with the coby etc. Is he able to do that sort of mod I wonder. Cheers.
  11. Surely there is a company here in Auck that can do a tuned/performance box. Where is all that kiwi ingenuity?
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