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Everything posted by westy

  1. Stopid spammers cant even speak da engrish.
  2. Seemed the program got off on this guy as much as the guy got off on the porn. 'cept they be rubbing two hands together.
  3. westy

    The bastard child.

    Ta Josh. Turns, out after some poking around, all the plastic connecters are the same pattern with one having a sensor boss cast into it. I should be able to move the sensor to the inlet of the thermostat housing, if there's enough room, and keep it. Now I just need to figure the plumbing of the two smaller hoses. I'm a bit of a noob with the finer points of coolant plumbing ha.
  4. westy

    The bastard child.

    99% sure the other radiators will fit the hole, just need to sort 1. Temp sensor in lower hose connection 2. 2x small return hoses from engine and heater. Presume I can return these to a fitting made to go into the upper hose before it enters the radiator? Or is this just a crap idea ha?
  5. westy

    The bastard child.

    Vital point, I'm a cheap bastard and aint gonna pay $500 for crappy E46 cooling parts. If I can fit an E30 type radiator then thats what I'll do. Theres a coolant sensor in the radiator outlet pipe fancy pants clip fitting that'll need sorting though cause the E30's an old fashioned (reliable) hose clamp. PS, M52tu.
  6. westy

    The bastard child.

    Something else...any chance an E30 coolant temp sensor is compatible with the E46 gauge/does the ECU use it? Looking for radiator options and dont what to sacrifice arm and leg for E46 crap that'll blow up in 10 mins flat!
  7. westy

    The bastard child.

    I had a 215/40 in mind as seems to be easy 8" wheel fit but I dont think either of those sizes are gonna cut it on the other wheels without a couple degrees camber in front. And I dont think 2 degrees is excessive.
  8. westy

    The bastard child.

    And just what does that entail? Dunno, bro.
  9. westy

    The bastard child.

    Thanks Tarrbaby. Bugger though.
  10. westy

    The bastard child.

    Suspect (hope) this is true. By the smell of it, it wont apply to Authority Cards. Mutters about moving goal posts ect....
  11. westy

    The bastard child.

    This From a reliable source. Certifiers constantly train/amend things as things as they go. Not sure if this one has a hope of lasting as makes all sorts of headaches for all sorts of people. Lets hope not.
  12. westy

    The bastard child.

    Alllso, seems there are new rules for certs that say you cant run any more than 1/2 degree camber outside of factory limits. Guess these wheels will have to stay on longer than thought which annoys me somewhat. Oh, and Max, got any nice 16x8/9s for me to swap?
  13. 6k for a car that doesn't run?
  14. Lol at torque plate for bore hone hahaha.
  15. westy

    The bastard child.

    Lol. 1/4s still need molding and making and the wheels are arse with those tyres on. Besides, it's pussing down.
  16. westy

    The bastard child.

    Thanks chaps. Needs more 13b? Or grill
  17. westy

    The bastard child.

    So, enough of the shithouse updates, here's something decent. It aint perfect, but it is red and shiny!
  18. I have a business cassette. Um, $100 delivered? Also have CD changer.
  19. Quote of the f**king century
  20. Far too soft for low heights and they're likely to coil bind on big bumps.
  21. You realise compressed springs are shithouse right? Rather cut springs than piss about with that crap.
  22. westy

    The bastard child.

    No racing this season Ollie. Moneys tight, nothings free, wont somebody come rescue me.... Just building a track slut/roady for now. Will need an air box soonish though.
  23. westy

    The bastard child.

    Swap ya for oil cooler? Also, what are ya doing with those sport seats?
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