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Everything posted by westy

  1. See. Far more dish and far more shape. What's not to like. And no 'orrible centre cap or stainless trim. Price? Dunno. From 'bout $600 wheels only?
  2. A lot of monies to spend on what is a fairly average looking wheel. RS 740 is betterer.
  3. Doesn't seem to apply to new car pricing though. 10 years ago the 540it sold for about $160000. A new 550 sedan (tourings only come in 530ds @ about $147000) is $167000 odd. A relative bargain ha.
  4. Gottem. 5 today. Cant find anymore atm.
  5. So, what is the equivalent LED to Halo wattage? And just how much power saving is there?
  6. They be gettin' tricky. That'll learn 'em.
  7. Here's my thoughts, it's a combo deal. More restrictive import criteria. More competition from other countries for stock. More awareness of 'Turners'. More people buying second hand rather than new. Be-it more averse to finance, higher cost of living or other associated issues of a stagnant economy etc etc and so on and so forth. I'd be interested to know how much all second hand goods have increased in price since Trade Me was born too. The Trade and Exchange used to be chock full of bargains, where Trade Me seems full over pricing dreamers and fools willing to pay.
  8. Settle petal, it was an entirely fair comment.
  9. Quit being a tosser and update it ya tosser. PS this project is sweet as Garett.
  10. westy

    1990 318IS

    Yup, spot on. And an extra cool point for non sunroof.
  11. Pretty sure it's a 250 Getrag. The others sit at a different angle. They are usable but a bit of dicking around which you probably dont want to do, considering it's your first etc.
  12. Kinda missing the point really. Both are much of a muchness to a hundy etc. One's a luxo barge and the other a sporty coupe.
  13. I'd be impressed if you could do it for $1700 with ZF. Whats a ZF worth these days? Is there a tag on the diff with a ratio on it?
  14. Yup, think there's some pics round R3V somewhere.
  15. Right click, copy image location But na, looks like crap. Wanna do something different? Stop looking at what other people are doing.
  16. Ah ha! Thats what they're spossed to look like.
  17. westy

    1990 318IS

    No, no, no. Leave red. Looks tits.
  18. Paid $300 for an e36 shaft at Drive Inn about 5? year ago.
  19. Coming along nicely. What did you use for the strut tops?
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